Why I write…

4 min readOct 29, 2019


I was given the question “Why do you write?” recently and WOW. I honestly had no true idea why I did write in my life. So to help find the answer to the question, I went through my phone, most importantly my messages, analyzing the reasons for the addition of writing in my daily activities. The explanation for my daily writing are considered pretty typical for the normal person, but for me, it was very interesting. My reasons were simply, bickering with a friend, finding comfort in someone, notifying my friend that I was on the way to pick her up to go to school, informing my mom about the needed groceries and things to buy, setting remainders, helping family members locating something, and most surprisingly, rekindling a lost friendship.

As I grew up, I expected to change a lot with the friend circle I had, and I was correct. However, during the phase of me changing, I had to let go of one of my oldest and most important friendships that I had developed and cherished since the first day of kindergarten. When I promoted out of elementary, I believed that I would be easy and painless to forget about the friendship with my old friend since I would transfer districts and had no way of contacting her. But that all changed one day when my dad went home saying that he saw that exact old friend in the store and decided to give her my number, believing that we were still considered friends after not talking to each other for over 2 years and having differing interests. However as the night continued to pass, I got a message from her, a simple “hey! it’s me, your friend from elementary. remember me?” At that moment, a wave to emotion hit me, sending me into a period of nostalgia. Talking to her was like going back into elementary, the time of pure happiness, never having to stress about reality and school. However, when catching up with her during the span of 2 weeks, I learned that she was moving away from me and that brought back the pain from when I gave up the friendship during the last hours of being an elementary student. During the times that we talked, she updated me with her life, the most important aspect being her current love life with a guy she met online. It became the main topic every time we talked, and there were so many times I tried to change the topic, but it was no use. So, I stopped chatting with her and eventually reality caught up again and we became too busy to talk to each other for the next 2 years.

Time passes and I one day get a Face Time call from her at night, a couple minutes before I sleep. I was hesitant to accept the call, so I let the call run, eventually letting it end. But when I thought it was over or an accident, a message from her appears on my screen saying the same phrase from when we first began chatting. The “hey! it’s me, your friend from elementary. remember me?” flashed across my screen with the additional statements saying that she got a new phone and number. I slowly typed my response and immediately, she replied, eager to talk to me again. Saying goodnight for the day, we chatted the next couple days, catching up on the new factors of our life from before. As before, she updated me about her love life and her current mindset. Learning the new things and telling her about the new things in my life, I told her about how I wasn’t comfortable hearing so much about her love life, and she agreed to calm down with it. So now we currently talk once in a while, always enjoying ourselves and reminiscing sometimes over the memories of our past times together.

In the end, I write to connect with a past friend, to back me back in time to the stress-free times, to talk to someone when lonely. The messages I sent to my friend helped me realize these reasons and she will always play an important factor in who I am today. So this is why I write today, now, to tend and care for an aged bond that was once flourishing.

