3 min readOct 11, 2018

You’re going to gym now? But didn’t you tell me you’re going running after the work? You’re really crazy!

These kind of conversations happen quite often. I am so ashamed to talk about this subject to someone who doesn’t know what triathlon or ironman means and how much time is necessary, because they look at me with that look which mixes the woow effect and you’re are completely insane.

Only if they really knew that I’ve already done a yoga and a hard session in pool...

Actually how much I train?

Based on my training program, it’s anywhere between 15 and 23 hours per week, what is quite difficult to organise when you spend 40+ hours at work and have some side projects which demands few hours per week as well.

So my normal day look something like:

wake up at 5am — there are more reasons for that. I like to take my time in the morning. I do some yoga with Adriene, not every day, I try to do it 2–3 times per week to improve my flexibility. I prepare my breakfast with a good fresh coffee, eat it and I still have some time left for my side projects and all things I need to have done.

At 7am I take my already packed bag and going to swimming pool for the swim workout. Fortunately it is quite close to my place, so it doesn’t me lot of time to get there and back. Which is around 8.30am when I take my protein-health-ish second breakfast and let’s go to work. On the bike :)

I am really lucky, we have a gym in the same building as offices, so I can go there during the lunch. And I do it at this periond every day, but normally it is around 3 times per week. A 30–35 minutes gym sessions, than a fast lunch and back to work tasks.

My lunch buddies

I return from the work around 19h and I can directly attack my last workout of the day and most of the time the hardest — bikeride (mostly on home trainer) or a run. When I’m done with workout, shower, recovery drink, it is 21h so it leave me one hour to eat, check social networks, prepare my plan for the next day or watching Netflix and at 22h I’m in the bed to have full 7 hours of sleep. I need like 2 and a half seconds to fall asleep and here we go again!

That kind of workout when you want to throw your running shoes away…

During weekends it varies quite a lot, but most of the time I enjoy sleep longer — until 8! and take my time and enjoy it during those two days. Probably I’d go to swimming pool around 11–12 noon when there’s least people and in the afternoon doing some long ride (3h+) or long run(2h+). But these sessions I try to adapt to our weekends plans, as it a lot about me during the week.


Another amateur triathlete who thinks he’s going to make it to the Kona