Stop Motion Animation : feedback & skills

2 min readNov 6, 2015


Today, it was the final workshop of after effects with Jason. Apart from teaching, he gave everyone an individual tutorial time for personal stop motion project.

my teacher_Orla

In Orla’s teaching, she shared some skills that we can apply in stop motion or film. Following are those.

1). Light. One light brings audiences different vision by different angles. 2). Cutting. She talked about same cutting but different outcomes. For example, a smile between watching a mom hugs her baby and watching a bikini girl is different. 3). Graphic match. Sometimes, it is a way to cut the film to next part by two objects with similar shapes. 4). Focus. This skill is just like photography in different depth of field. People follow this change from one object to another. 5.) Connection. It is often used when accident happened in film. For example, in movie ‘impossible mission’, actor run on a building and finally jumps to an airplane. Even though 3 different angles are arranged in this film but they are still reasonable. 6.) Jump cut. This type of cutting in film gives an effect of jumping in time. In addition, change angles enough in every cutting in order to make sure audiences not confused. She also gives us a good example that shooting a consistent film is same as designing a layout. It is able to make some differences in pages but still consistency in reading.

Some feedbacks also are gotten in this class. She recommended me to rearrange my storyboard. An answer that my heroes are unpredictability and colour in stop motion is better in the final part than in the second part. It enables audiences to think about more what thing is my hero. Before every part of unpredictable things, there is a consistent episode to introduce the next part. She said it would be good to make one of them different to achieve an unexpected feeling. These suggestions are useful and I will change a little bit in my stop motion animation. Finally, I really appreciated her like in music. Spend long time to search for that and function in final.

