Algorithms that change farmers’ lives

Published in
5 min readApr 27, 2017

Want to build the next generation supply chain that can change the lives of India’s 58% workforce i.e farmers ? then read on!

Farmers who benefit from ninjacart supply chain

About Ninjacart

Ninjacart is India’s Leading agri tech platform, solving one of the toughest supply chain problems of our country through technology.

Currently, we connect vegetables and fruits farmers directly with businesses. At one end, we help farmers get better prices and deal with consistent demand and on another end, we help retailers to source fresh vegetables at competitive prices directly from farmers. We do this effectively at lower cost, better speed and larger scale using integrated supply chain powered by technology, data science, infrastructure and logistics network.

Refer below link for all things Ninjacart

Disrupting for rest of the India !

Technology and data science makes ninjacart what it is today and will define our tomorrow. We are using technology for the people who are neglected the most — the farmers, to improve their income and change their families’ lives forever

Best part of what we do is the challenge to conceive and build for an unknown : unknown — something from scratch with truck loads of assumptions. We don’t have option to copy or rebuild what already exists across the world

There is no “scalable” supply chain network built in the world, which can handle products that change in price, quality, demand and supply everyday and has less than 24 hours shelf life. Real fun is doing all this at scale, while keeping our cost very low in an ecosystem that is unorganised and has low technology penetration. Essentially — build a supply chain that can thrive on uncertainty

This throws up the most challenging problems any problem solver, creator and disruptor would love to solve and makes it a best place to fail, learn and build something great.

Falling in love with the problems

Below are some of the never-before solved problems, which we are trying to solve for everyone by leveraging tech and data

  • Food wastage: Traditional supply chain for fruits and vegetables have whooping 30% wastage by the time it reach the stores
  • Information barriers: Lack of access to market prices at right time make farmers vulnerable to middlemen — who exploit farmers
  • Distribution inefficiency: Marginal farming and poor logistics in India lead to distribution inefficiency and higher logistics cost for farmers. Result — lower income for farmers
  • Cash handling: Handling of cash and credit cycle in mandis push the farmer to borrow money outside at higher interest rates
  • High Input cost: Marginal farming leads to less bargaining power for farmers — leading to bigger middle men commission and higher farming cost for farmers
  • Low Quality Food: Our food is more dangerous today than ever before — increase in pesticides and chemicals usage have made our food pretty much a carcinogenic

When your algorithms sweat for the farmers

At ninjacart, last 3 years has been all about what not to do when you build a supply chain for tomorrow. We have failed more than we succeeded. Along the way, we have build some great stuff that already delivers bigger impact to our customers & farmers

  • 100% Traceable food: Our RFID powered supply chain enables us to track a produce in store shelf to a farmer and farming data thus providing complete transparency in the entire food value chain. This becomes the foundation to make our food safer
  • Tomorrow ready ERP: In-house ERP [code name : BiFrost] that accommodates the flexibility it needs as we scale and delivers a frictionless movement of goods. Mobile ready ERP also ensures we use zero paper in our supply chain
  • Demand Forecasting: Forecast more, you have lot of unsold wastage; predict less, you will see customers walking to market, due to unavailability. We have leveraged deep machine learning to perfect our forecasting to 97% and reduce the overall wastage to 4% [Traditional supply chains have wastage up to 25%]
  • Price Intelligence: Multiple market intelligence tools and machine learning algorithms help us predict market prices and help farmers plan harvest accordingly. Farmer knows the price before harvesting and this increases the odds of better returns
  • Connected Logistics: Speed and cost can make or break any supply chain. Our indigenous route optimization and utilization help us keep our load factor at 92% and put more fresher vegetables on the plate (we move the produce from farm to store with in 14 hours) at a cost almost 1/3rd of the traditional supply chain
  • Social security : Cashless and instant payment solutions help us put the money in the hands of the farmer on same day. This has helped farmers avoid borrowing money from Mandi traders, who hold their produce captive and pay low prices or from local money lenders, who charge exorbitant interest

We are solving much bigger problems using technology and data and looking for kickass engineers who can make it happen. If you are keen to contribute, then Apply to be part of Ninja Army

Tech @ Ninjacart

Our Tech Stack

Our Team

How we work

  • Speed is as important as quality — fast faced development cycle
  • Open and fun environment
  • Freedom with responsibility
  • Ample opportunity to fail, learn and grow

If you are keen to part of our Journey, Apply to be part of Ninja Army




India’s largest B2B fresh produce supply chain company.