Finding my Mentors

2 min readSep 23, 2016


Yesterday's assignment was so super difficult that I haven't even yet finished it, but I want to keep going with blogging, so I'm writing this as up as is. I am hoping to come back to this question later and maybe find more answers as I move further along my new career path.

It is very difficult to think of a person with a life that I would like to have at the moment. It does not feel real yet, I guess, and also, I am not quite sure yet when do I only feel the envious kind of "Oh, I want that kind of life too" and a more realistic desire to actually aspire to a lifestyle that is similar to the one that I am seeing in this person.

So I could not think of any potential mentors as yet. I am currently cherry picking my "mentors" from all over the internet, taking what feels right to me in a given moment. But I do love this task and I have undertaken to keep my eyes more open in the future for potential mentors.

Now, having said all that, here is someone that I would have loooooooved to have as a mentor. A person whose life I admired so much that I actually get more and more sad that he is not around anymore — author Douglas Adams. While he is most known for the quirky "trilogy in five parts", The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, it is slightly less known that he was a tech and science geek. He loved nature and wrote a book about endangered species (travelling around the world to see them in person for it). He tried every new tech gadget that came out (especially anything from Apple). And he loved physics and astronomy. What I like most about him, besides his off the charts humour and creativity, is that he wasn't afraid to fail. He basically tried out any idea that popped into his head, no matter how silly it might have been. And this gave the world the masterpiece of The Hitchhiker's, but also many many flops. But guess what, it didn't matter. Because for Douglas Adams it was all part of the fun. He was having fun exploring the world. And that's the fearless adventure spirit that I would love to find in myself too. So had I ever had the chance to meet him, I would have probably asked him, how did he manage to be so fearless (he'd probably reply that he wasn't fearless, just very immature and reckless in the pursuit of his passions).

This blog post is in response to Natalie’s 10 Day Freedom Plan Blog Challenge Day 6

