Does the restaurant need an order system?

3 min readDec 24, 2019


The function of the POS ordering system is to order meals, cash register; it’s just a money box with a computer.

What software and hardware might you want when using a meal-order system? Which brand do you want to use? Choosing the order system is not a matter of technology, but how much time can you spend on order?

Good business restaurant, the waitress barely has time to order your meal, some at most five seconds, limited manpower plus very busy, no time to deal with these things. But why is there a shortage of manpower?

The restaurant’s mealtime is concentrated in those two hours. If you want ten waitresses during peak hours, you can reach the best service state. Only one hour will use ten people, the other two hours before and after the task can be done with three. It means the other seven waitresses is a waste of manpower, so most bosses will choose the middle value they will hire five people, so as if the busy, also they have average manpower.

Every restaurant has such a problem because there is no way of such flexible scheduling manpower.

Meal system and efficiency

Recall the noodle shop in the USA, the way to order is paper and shout. So if your restaurant is the most important “efficiency”, no ordering system can meet, because the computer POS ordering system operating time is not in time to shout speed.

Not every restaurant needs a POS ordering system like Orderup

The first step to purchase a POS system is to consider: what level of restaurant service do you want to enjoy? If you are willing to give each group of guests a minute to have the waitress stand next to him to order meals, then you are a member of the electronic order equipment.

Meal System and Correctness

When you choose the order system, he gives you the greatest value is actually “correctness”, not efficiency, oral, paper efficiency must be higher, but once the number of meals, the whole process will be cracked, the correct rate of meals also fell in a straight line. Using an electronic device may require a little more time to input, but it is relatively possible to obtain the accuracy of the meal.

Enter correctly

Enter is the biggest problem, not whether the order staff understand the system operation, but how to respond to customization point out the right meal, the same product only needs five variables (spicy not spicy, green onion…), There may be 32 different laws, and only one of these 32 is what the guest wants.

Output correctly

The order cannot be interpreted correctly if there is no output correctly. The front desk waiter carefully recorded the taste of the guests, but the busy backstage kitchen does not notice the taste detail.

Meal system and dining experience

A good order system requires the right order to read correctly and delivers the right food. Not every restaurant needs an electronic ordering system, a small cafe, the head of the clerk can complete POS ordering work. Your restaurant needs a POS ordering system, depending on what dining experience you want to give to your guests.




Sophia is the Co-Founder of Astroforest. She has an MBA in Sales and Marketing and has been using Microsoft Excel for the last 8 years.