10 Weird Things That I do that other people don’t

Ninu Maze
2 min readMar 21, 2017


1. When ever I pass a grave yard, I always stay quiet and put my head down. I’m not sure why I do that but I thinks it’s to give honor to the dead.

2. I don’t eat a sweets. I know that that’s normal and all but whenever I get offered sweets from people my mind just jumps to Criminal Minds on Halloween.

3. Whenever I sleep on my back, I make this weird noise in my throat. It sounds like something is popping in my throat or saliva just closing and opening each time I breath in and out ( I should get that checked out).

4. Most of the times, whenever I have a school trip, I don’t wear jeans. We are aloud to wear jeans and a school shirt, but I refuse to wear jeans.

5. I like fruit, but I just don’t like it in things. I love strawberries, but I hate strawberry ice cream.

6. Some times, when im by myself in my room I just lay in bed and just sit there and think about all of the good things the life has to offer.

7. I hate crowds and whenever I’m near a crowd of people, even if it’s a large group of my friends, I just walk away or make up and excuse to move away from that group.

8. As soon as I hear the question “Do you have a sibling ?”,my immediate thought is to run to the North pole and cry. I’m an only child with no siblings so it’s weird when I say “no” and they say “oh, well you’re really lucky to be the only child” because I’m not. “Only child” doesn’t mean that your “lucky”.

9. Whenever I walk in shoes, for the first time, I walk in my tippy toe. I don’t know if I should be doing that or not, but I should really stop.

10. Whenever I sleep, I only dream about things that happen in books never things like me falling in a ditch and dying or being chased by something or being kissed by a stranger or something else that people dream of.

If you do any of these werid things people comment down below because I really hope that it’s just not me doing these things… because that would be weird.

Comments, recommendations, and all that good stuff is really appreciate and respected!

Ninu Maze’s Out



Ninu Maze

Love to read, write, and share my passions about the things I love to do with others!