Choosing Between Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) in Regression: A Deep Dive

Nirajan Acharya
3 min readAug 30, 2023



In the realm of regression problems, selecting the right loss function is crucial for training accurate and robust machine learning models. Two commonly used loss functions are Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE). This article aims to shed light on the decision-making process when choosing between these two loss functions, taking into account factors like convergence speed and handling outliers.

The Trade-Off: MSE vs. MAE

When faced with the decision of which loss function to utilize in your regression problem, you encounter the trade-off between Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE). Each of these options comes with its advantages and considerations, making the choice dependent on the nature of your data and the problem at hand.

Advantages of Mean Squared Error (MSE):

MSE, a widely adopted loss function, measures the average of the squared differences between predicted and actual values. It offers faster convergence in scenarios where the error values are relatively small and consistent. The key to its rapid convergence lies in the error amplification mechanism it employs. For larger errors, the squared term magnifies their impact, which accelerates the minimization process during training.

Limitations of MSE and Handling Outliers:

However, the strength of MSE can also be its downfall, particularly when dealing with data that contains outliers. Outliers are data points that significantly deviate from the norm and often don’t conform to the overall trend. MSE treats all errors with equal importance, which means outliers have a substantial impact on the loss calculation. This can lead to compromised model performance when dealing with normal data points. In essence, MSE amplifies the influence of outliers, undermining the model’s ability to generalize effectively.

Advantages of Mean Absolute Error (MAE):

On the other hand, Mean Absolute Error (MAE) offers an alternative approach to tackling regression problems. Instead of squaring the error terms, MAE takes the absolute value of the differences between predicted and actual values. This attribute makes MAE inherently robust to outliers. Unlike MSE, MAE treats all errors equally, minimizing the impact of outliers on the loss function. As a result, the model learns to prioritize fitting the majority of the data points accurately.

Choosing Between MSE and MAE:

To decide between MSE and MAE, it’s crucial to assess the nature of your data. If your dataset includes outliers — data points that don’t conform to the general pattern — it’s advisable to opt for MAE. By treating all errors equally, MAE provides better resilience against the distortions introduced by outliers. Conversely, if your data is relatively clean and without significant outliers, MSE’s faster convergence might offer an advantage.


In the landscape of regression problems, the choice between Mean Squared Error (MSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) as loss functions is pivotal. MSE’s rapid convergence can be an asset, but its susceptibility to outlier influence makes it less suitable for datasets containing anomalies. In contrast, MAE’s robustness against outliers ensures a more balanced training process, ultimately leading to models that generalize better. Understanding the characteristics of your data and the strengths of each loss function is essential in making an informed decision that aligns with your problem’s requirements.

