TensorFlow based deep learning.

Turning Trash into Tech: Make Your Own Smart Garbage Segregator (AI Dustbin)

Neeraj Kumar
12 min readSep 5, 2023


This is my first blog so I’m going to mess it I know but still I want this article to be a full-fledged guide so that the reader should be able to take some practical and valuable knowledge from this article, so sit tight this is going to be a long one.

And on more thing, you can trust the things on this article provided, because me who is too much obsessed with computers and how they work and AI enthusiast, the boy when, was in the first semester of college doesn't knows “p” of Programming , in semester 3 somehow knows embedded programming, application programming, full stack(MERN) web development, AI, Machine Learning, Deep Neural Networks, and SOTA models Transformers (with all AI algorithms) etc.

Now Let's get on the Real Topic

world where technology is rapidly advancing, the integration of smart technology into various aspects of everyday life has become increasingly prevalent. One area that is in dire need of improvement is waste management and disposal systems. Traditional dustbins are no longer sufficient to handle the demands of our modern society. This article will delve into the concept of smart dustbins and outline the process of building one using TensorFlow, edge computing, Arduino, and ESP32.

Understanding Smart Dustbins

What are smart dustbins and how do they work?

Smart dustbins are an innovative solution that combines sensors, actuators, and wireless communication technology to revolutionize the waste management process. These intelligent bins can autonomously detect, sort, and manage waste items based on their properties, such as recyclability or biodegradability. By utilizing advanced algorithms and machine learning techniques, smart dustbins significantly optimize waste management operations.

Advantages of smart dustbins over conventional ones

The advantages of smart dustbins over conventional ones are manifold. Firstly, smart dustbins automate waste segregation, reducing the burden on human operators and minimizing the chances of human error. Additionally, the incorporation of object recognition capabilities enables the dustbins to identify and sort various products accurately, facilitating effective recycling practices. Smart dustbins also enhance overall efficiency, as they can transmit real-time data for monitoring and analysis, enabling prompt waste management decisions.

Components required to build a smart dustbin

Building a smart dustbin requires a specific set of components. These include various sensors to detect different types of waste, proximity sensors to identify the presence of users, actuators for opening and closing the lid, microcontrollers like Arduino for data processing and control, wireless communication modules such as ESP32 for connectivity, and, crucially, TensorFlow for intelligent object recognition capabilities.

Exploring TensorFlow

Introduction to TensorFlow and its applications

TensorFlow is an open-source machine learning library developed by Google. With its extensive range of tools and resources, TensorFlow has become the cornerstone of several industries, including waste management. Its applications extend beyond just object recognition; TensorFlow can be utilized for natural language processing, speech recognition, and sentiment analysis, making it a versatile toolset for any data-driven project.

How TensorFlow enables smart dustbins for waste management

TensorFlow plays a pivotal role in enabling smart dustbins to recognize and categorize different waste items accurately. By leveraging TensorFlow’s deep learning capabilities, the smart dustbin’s machine learning algorithms can be trained on extensive datasets, allowing the model to develop an understanding of various waste materials. This enables the dustbin to sort waste autonomously without human intervention, significantly improving the efficiency of waste management systems.

Training a TensorFlow model for object recognition

To train the TensorFlow model for object recognition, a labeled dataset of waste images is required. This dataset should cover a wide variety of waste items to ensure the model can identify different materials accurately. The labeled images are then fed into the TensorFlow deep learning model, which goes through numerous iterations to fine-tune its ability to recognize various waste objects. Once the model is trained, it can be deployed to the smart dustbin for real-time object recognition.

Below is an example of how one can train own model

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow import keras
from tensorflow.keras import layers
from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator
from tensorflow.keras.applications import MobileNetV2
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model

# Define data paths
train_data_dir = 'train_data_directory'
validation_data_dir = 'validation_data_directory'
model_save_path = 'waste_recognition_model.h5'

# Parameters
batch_size = 32
epochs = 10
image_size = (224, 224)

# Data preprocessing and augmentation
train_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(
rescale=1.0 / 255,

train_generator = train_datagen.flow_from_directory(

validation_datagen = ImageDataGenerator(rescale=1.0 / 255)

validation_generator = validation_datagen.flow_from_directory(

# Create a base model (MobileNetV2 in this example)
base_model = MobileNetV2(
input_shape=image_size + (3,),

# Add custom layers for classification
x = layers.GlobalAveragePooling2D()(base_model.output)
x = layers.Dense(256, activation='relu')(x)
x = layers.Dropout(0.5)(x)
predictions = layers.Dense(num_classes, activation='softmax')(x)

model = Model(inputs=base_model.input, outputs=predictions)

# Compile the model

# Train the model
steps_per_epoch=train_generator.samples // batch_size,
validation_steps=validation_generator.samples // batch_size,

# Save the trained model

Understanding Edge Computing

What is edge computing and its significance in smart dustbins

Edge computing refers to the practice of processing and analyzing data closer to its source, rather than relying solely on cloud-based solutions. In the context of smart dustbins, edge computing plays a crucial role in ensuring real-time analysis and decision-making without constant reliance on the cloud. By processing data locally on the dustbin’s microcontroller, edge computing mitigates latency issues and provides quicker responses.

Benefits of edge computing over cloud-based solutions

Edge computing offers a plethora of benefits over cloud-based solutions when it comes to smart dustbins. Firstly, it reduces reliance on high-speed internet connectivity, making the dustbins more versatile and functional in areas with poor network coverage. Additionally, edge computing minimizes data privacy concerns by processing and analyzing data locally, eliminating the need to transmit sensitive waste information to a remote server.

Implementing edge computing to process data from the dustbin

Implementing edge computing involves setting up a microcontroller, like Arduino, to process data from the dustbin’s sensors and cameras. This microcontroller analyzes the collected data in real-time and generates insights for waste management decisions. By employing edge computing, smart dustbins can efficiently carry out waste segregation, categorize products, detect contamination, and communicate with other devices, all without depending on cloud-based infrastructure.

and the thing is that your model right now should be too big to fit inside microcontroller so we need to reduce the model footprint, in order to do that there is a process called quantization which reduces the model size and the great fact is we can achieve this by using the TensorFlow Lite library.

Here is the Example how to do that on our previous built model -

import tensorflow as tf

# Load the trained TensorFlow model
model = tf.keras.models.load_model('waste_recognition_model.h5')

# Convert the model to TFLite with Int8 quantization
converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_keras_model(model)
converter.optimizations = [tf.lite.Optimize.DEFAULT]
tflite_model = converter.convert()

# Save the quantized model to a file
with open('quantized_model.tflite', 'wb') as f:

Arduino: The Brain of the Smart Dustbin

Introduction to Arduino and its role in the project

Arduino is a popular open-source microcontroller platform that serves as the brain of the smart dustbin. It provides an ideal environment for the integration of various sensors, actuators, and connectivity modules. With an easy-to-use development environment and a vast array of compatible components, Arduino simplifies the process of building and programming the smart dustbin, making it accessible even to those new to electronics.

Setting up Arduino and connecting it with other components

To set up Arduino for the smart dustbin project, start by connecting the necessary components, such as proximity sensors, waste detection sensors, and actuators, to the Arduino board. These components should be wired according to the provided circuit diagram. Once the hardware connections are complete, Arduino can be programmed using its intuitive integrated development environment (IDE). The code for controlling the dustbin’s operations, such as lid opening and closing, can be uploaded to the Arduino board.

Programming the Arduino to control the dustbin’s operations

Arduino programming involves coding the microcontroller to control various aspects of the smart dustbin’s operations. This includes instructing the dustbin to open its lid upon detecting the presence of a user, activating sensors for waste detection, and controlling the actuator for lid movement. By programming the Arduino, the smart dustbin becomes an autonomous entity capable of responding to its surroundings and facilitating efficient waste management.

ESP32: The Wireless Communication Interface

Overview of ESP32 and its capabilities

ESP32 is a powerful wireless communication module that serves as the bridge between the smart dustbin and other devices. With its built-in Wi-Fi and Bluetooth functionalities, ESP32 enables seamless connectivity, allowing real-time data transmission and remote monitoring of the smart dustbin. Its versatility and reliability make it an ideal choice for implementing wireless communication in the project.

Establishing a wireless connection between the smart dustbin and other devices

Establishing wireless communication between the smart dustbin and other devices requires integrating the ESP32 module into the dustbin’s hardware setup. The ESP32 module should be connected to the Arduino board, leveraging its communication capabilities. By establishing a wireless connection, users can remotely monitor the status of the dustbin, receive notifications on waste levels, and even control the dustbin’s operations through a smartphone or other devices.

Incorporating ESP32 for real-time data transmission and remote monitoring

With the ESP32 integrated into the smart dustbin, real-time data transmission becomes effortless. Waste management data, such as sensor readings and object recognition results, can be transmitted wirelessly, enabling remote monitoring. This information can be visualized on a dedicated dashboard or mobile application, allowing users to stay informed about the dustbin’s status and make data-driven waste management decisions conveniently.

Building the Smart Dustbin Prototype

Step-by-step instructions for assembling the hardware components

To build the smart dustbin prototype, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Gather all the required components, including sensors, actuators, Arduino board, ESP32 module, and power supply.
  2. Assemble the components according to the provided circuit diagram, ensuring proper connections.
  3. Secure the sensors in appropriate positions, ensuring they have optimal coverage.
  4. Connect actuators, such as the motor-controlled lid, to the dustbin structure.
  5. Position the Arduino board and ESP32 module in their designated locations within the dustbin.
  6. Confirm all the connections are secure and check for any loose wiring.
  7. Perform a thorough examination to ensure all hardware components are properly integrated.

Connecting the sensors, actuators, and power supply

For a functional smart dustbin, it is essential to connect the sensors, actuators, and power supply properly. The sensors, such as waste detection sensors and proximity sensors, should be connected to the Arduino board following the circuit diagram. The actuators, such as the motor or servo for lid movement, should also be connected to the Arduino. Lastly, connect the power supply to the Arduino and ensure it meets the required voltage specifications.

Integrating all components to create a functional smart dustbin

After connecting the sensors, actuators, and power supply, integrate all the components of the smart dustbin to create a cohesive and functional system. Double-check the connections and ensure that all components are securely attached. Perform a thorough test to confirm that the sensors are detecting waste accurately, and the actuators are responding correctly. Once all the components are working harmoniously, the smart dustbin is ready to be further enhanced with intelligent software functionalities.

Training the TensorFlow Model

Collecting and labeling training data for the dustbin’s object recognition

Before training the TensorFlow model, it is crucial to collect and label a comprehensive dataset of waste images. This dataset should include various waste items, such as plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and paper products. Each image should be labeled with the corresponding type of waste to enable the model to learn correlations between visual patterns and waste categories. The quality and diversity of this labeled dataset are paramount for accurate object recognition.

Setting up TensorFlow and preparing the training environment

To set up TensorFlow for training, install the required libraries and dependencies onto a computer or server. TensorFlow provides detailed documentation and resources for this process. Once the environment is set up, configure the training parameters, such as the number of iterations, learning rate, and batch size. By fine-tuning these parameters, the training process can be optimized to achieve the desired accuracy for waste object recognition.

Training the model using the labeled data and fine-tuning for optimized performance

With the labeled dataset and training environment ready, initiate the training process. TensorFlow utilizes complex neural networks to analyze the labeled data and learn the visual patterns associated with different waste materials. The model iteratively adjusts its parameters to minimize errors and optimize its ability to recognize waste objects accurately. The training process may take some time, depending on the dataset size and complexity, but the model’s performance can be continually monitored and improved through fine-tuning.

Implementing Edge Computing with TensorFlow

Integrating TensorFlow Lite and edge computing to process data locally

To implement edge computing with TensorFlow, compile the trained model into a format compatible with the Arduino and ESP32 microcontrollers. This compiled model should be tailored to utilize the computational capabilities of these microcontrollers effectively. By integrating TensorFlow into the edge computing environment, the smart dustbin can process waste detection and object recognition locally, avoiding the latency associated with cloud-based inference.

Deploying the trained model on the ESP32-cam

After compiling the TensorFlow model for the microcontrollers, deploy it to the Arduino and ESP32. This involves uploading the model to the microcontrollers and enabling the necessary libraries and dependencies for TensorFlow to function correctly. Once deployed, the microcontrollers can independently carry out waste detection and object recognition tasks without constant reliance on external servers or cloud-based solutions.

Real-time object recognition using edge computing capabilities

With the TensorFlow model deployed on the microcontrollers, the smart dustbin gains the ability to perform real-time object recognition. As waste items are detected by the sensors, the microcontrollers utilize the trained model to determine the type of waste accurately. The results of this recognition process can be used to initiate sorting mechanisms, trigger alerts, or transmit data wirelessly for remote monitoring and analysis. Edge computing enables the smart dustbin to operate autonomously, even without a constant internet connection.

Testing and Refining the Smart Dustbin

Evaluating the performance of the smart dustbin prototype

Once the smart dustbin prototype is fully assembled and all functionalities are implemented, it is essential to evaluate its performance. Test the object recognition capabilities by introducing various waste items to the dustbin and verifying if the model classifies them correctly. Evaluate the responsiveness of the lid opening and closing mechanisms based on the proximity Detection sensors. Assess the overall reliability, accuracy, and efficiency of the smart dustbin’s operations to identify any potential areas for improvement.

Identifying potential issues and refining the system’s functionality

During the testing phase, pay close attention to any potential issues or shortcomings that may arise. Observe if there are instances where the dustbin fails to recognize certain waste items accurately or if the lid’s movements are inconsistent. By identifying such issues, the system’s functionality can be refined through iterative improvements. This may involve adjusting sensor placements, fine-tuning the TensorFlow model, or optimizing the code running on the microcontrollers.

Iterative improvements and enhancements based on testing results

Based on the testing results and identified issues, iterate on the smart dustbin’s design and functionality. Implement enhancements to the object recognition model by expanding the training dataset or fine-tuning the neural network architecture. Make necessary adjustments to the hardware setup for improved reliability and performance. By continuously refining the smart dustbin, its efficiency and accuracy can be progressively enhanced, ensuring it meets the demands of modern waste management practices.

Potential Applications and Benefits of Smart Dustbins

Expanding the use of smart dustbins beyond waste management

While the primary focus of smart dustbins is waste management, their applications can extend beyond this domain. Smart dustbins can be integrated into smart city initiatives, enabling municipalities to optimize waste collection routes, track waste generation patterns, and implement effective recycling programs. Additionally, smart dustbins can be used in industrial settings to improve waste disposal practices and reduce environmental impact.

Environmental impact and sustainability advantages

Smart dustbins have the potential to significantly reduce environmental impact and contribute to overall sustainability. By facilitating efficient waste segregation and recycling, these intelligent bins help minimize landfill usage and promote circular economy principles. Smart dustbins, with their accurate waste categorization capabilities, foster sustainable waste management practices and pave the way for a greener future.

Commercial opportunities and scalability of the technology

The development and implementation of smart dustbins also open up various commercial opportunities. Businesses can leverage this technology to streamline waste management operations, enhancing efficiency and reducing costs. Waste management service providers can offer customized solutions to municipalities, leveraging smart dustbins to optimize waste collection and transport processes. The scalability of this technology allows for widespread adoption, benefiting both businesses and society as a whole.

Summary and Future Prospects

In summary, building a smart dustbin utilizing TensorFlow, edge computing, Arduino, and ESP32 offers a novel approach to revolutionize waste management systems. By implementing machine learning techniques and real-time data processing capabilities, smart dustbins can autonomously detect, sort, and manage waste, significantly enhancing overall efficiency and sustainability. The potential of this technology to transform waste management globally is immense.

Looking to the future, there is ample scope for further research and development in the field of smart dustbins. Continuous improvements can be made to the object recognition capabilities, allowing for more accurate and diverse waste categorization. Integration with advanced sensing technologies, such as gas sensors for detecting hazardous waste, can further enhance the safety and effectiveness of waste management processes. The future of smart dustbins is promising, and ongoing efforts will undoubtedly optimize their functionalities and expand their applications.

Photos and videos of my project prototype

If you want to really make this, you can DM me on Linkdn twitter I will help you through your coding and building and all the material gathering and all.

Okay that was all hope you got some knowledge and how to implement this knowledge if you have something on your mind ask me.

This article was the part of the Empower Challenge submission for Empress.



Neeraj Kumar

A Computer Enthusiast, Persuing B.Tech CSE, learner of AI with profound interest in Deep Neural Networks.