Introduction to SOLID principles

Niraj Markandey
1 min readJul 28, 2022


Hello Everyone!

POST-3 of the series introduction to software design principles and patterns. Today’s topic is Introduction to SOLID principles.

SOLID principles are introduced by Robert C. Martin (AKA Uncle Bob) in his 2000 paper “Design Principles and design Patterns”. The main idea behind these principle is to help us write maintainable, understandable and flexible software.

S → Single Responsibility Principle [Class should have one reason to change]

O → Open/Closed Principle [Class should be open for extension but closed for modification]

L → Liskov Substitution Principle [You should be able use/pass subclass instead of class without breaking the code]

I → Interface Segregation Principle [You should segregate large interface into smaller one so classes don’t have to implement methods which they don’t need ]

D → Dependency Inversion Principle [High level module should not depend on low level module. It should depend on abstraction]

But as everything in life we should be mindful of applying these principles as these principles are general guidelines.

From next post we will dive deep into each of these principles one by one. Next topic will be SOLID Series: Single Responsibility Principle.

Previous post Introduction to UML

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Niraj Markandey

Hi I am a tech enthusiast, working as software developer from 6 years. I am passionate about design patterns and principles. I love to solve complex problems.