iDEX DISC: Driving Defense Innovation and India’s Start-up Ecosystem

Niranjan S P
6 min readOct 3, 2023


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India is currently experiencing profound economic changes, positioning itself to become the world’s third-largest economy. This economic ascent is fueled by a substantial and skilled workforce, coupled with government policies. As India strives to attain a leading role on the global economic stage, it is evident that the nation also aims to emerge as a significant manufacturing hub. To realize this vision, the development of a robust defense manufacturing sector is imperative. This not only aligns with the goal of self-sufficiency for the armed forces but also makes a substantial contribution to the nation’s overall economic development. Initiatives like the Defense Production Policy, alongside programs such as iDEX (Innovations for Defense Excellence), TDF (Technology Development Fund), and Make processes, are pivotal drivers of this effort. In this article, we will explore the pivotal role of iDEX in propelling defense innovation.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is sourced from publicly available data. It may not include all data points; therefore, it should not be considered official. The purpose of presenting this data is to illustrate iDEX’s contribution to advancing defense innovation and startup ecosystem.

History of iDEX

Defense production policy 2018

A scheme titled Innovations for Defense Excellence (iDeX) will be formulated which will set up Defense Innovation Hubs throughout the country to provide necessary incubation and infrastructure support to the start-ups in defense area. Wherever required, private venture capital into the defense sector, especially for start-ups will be encouraged.

iDEX is designed as a short- and medium-term strategy, with its official launch taking place during DefExpo 2018, graced by the Honorable Prime Minister. The framework for Innovations for Defense Excellence was meticulously crafted and subsequently approved by the Ministry of Defense. To operationalize this framework, the Defense Innovation Organization (DIO) was established as a Section 8 Company.

DIO operates as a “not for profit” entity under the regulations of the Companies Act 2013 and has been allocated a budgetary support of Rs. 498.8 crore for five years, spanning from 2021–22 to 2025–26. This funding is earmarked to provide vital financial backing to approximately 300 startups, MSMEs and individual innovators in the defense sector, fortifying India’s drive toward defense innovation and self-reliance.

Objectives of iDEX

The primary objectives of this initiative are to accelerate the development of innovative technologies tailored for India’s defense and aerospace sectors, ensuring quicker delivery. It aims to foster partnerships with innovative start-ups, promoting collaborative efforts in defense and aerospace projects. Additionally, the initiative seeks to cultivate a culture of co-creation and co-innovation in these sectors, encouraging active participation and knowledge sharing. Ultimately, it strives to stimulate innovation among start-ups and integrate them into India’s defense and aerospace ecosystem, fostering growth and advancements in these critical domains.

Challenges by iDEX

Defense India Start-up Challenge (DISC)

This flagship event invites start-ups, MSMEs, and innovators to propose innovative solutions to problem statements posed by various defense entities, including the defense forces, DPSUs, and OFB. After a thorough evaluation process, winning start-ups and individuals are selected, and they receive innovation grants for technological advancements through the “Support for Prototype and Research Kickstart” (SPARK) program.

iDEX open challenge

Open Challenge Indian startups, individual innovators, and MSMEs who have innovative solutions applicable to the defense and aerospace sectors. This challenge encompasses various technology domains, such as aerospace, autonomous systems, artificial intelligence, quantum technologies, and more, allowing participants to propose their solutions.


This program is designed to back innovations identified by members of the Indian Armed Forces. This program aims to leverage the knowledge and insights of serving soldiers, collaboratively developing sustainable solutions with iDEX-supported startups.

The core focus of iDEX remains on facilitating the creation of prototypes and the introduction of products/technologies to the market, with applicants encouraged to allocate funds for research and development, prototyping, pilot implementation, and market assessment.

Defense India Start-up Challenge (DISC)

iDEX DISC stands as the premier event within the iDEX initiative. Initiated in 2018, the DISC challenge has become an annual fixture, with a total of nine challenges to date. It has attracted participation from 242 companies, start-ups, and innovators who have addressed 184 distinct problem statements. Notably, several of these challenges have advanced to testing phases and have received orders from the armed forces, demonstrating their practicality and relevance. The Indian Navy’s “Swavlamban” 2023 is slated to dedicate 75 innovations successfully realized through iDEX DISC 7 (SPRINT), which were released in 2022.

The following sections include several examples to demonstrate how iDEX DISC is catalyzing innovation and fostering the growth of the start-up sector.

State-wise Winners of iDEX DISC

Figure 1: State-wise Winners of iDEX DISC

There are a total of 242 participants in the DISC challenges, which include start-ups, MSMEs, innovators, think tanks, and educational institutions. Among them, there are 15 individual innovators, while the remainder comprises start-ups and MSMEs. Notably, the DISC challenges have significantly contributed to the growth of the start-up ecosystem in India, as evidenced by Fig. 1, which illustrates the number of companies (start-ups/MSMEs) from each state that are actively participating in DISC. The location of a company is determined by the state in which it was incorporated. Data on individual innovators is not available. Karnataka emerges as the leading state in terms of participation.

Year of Incorporation of DISC Winners

It’s intriguing to examine the incorporation dates of these companies. Fig. 2 provides a visual representation of this information. Notably, approximately 46% of the companies that have successfully won at least one iDEX DISC challenge were established in 2018 or later. This serves as strong evidence of iDEX’s substantial contribution to nurturing the start-up ecosystem in the country.

Figure 2: Year of Incorporation of DISC Winners

Categorizing DISC Problem Statements

All 184 problem statements have been categorized into broader sectors to showcase the specific areas on which DISC participant companies are focused. Figure 3 provides a visual representation of this categorization.

Figure 3: Categories of iDEX DISC Problem Statements

It is evident that active work is taking place in fields such as material science, artificial intelligence, space technologies, and various emerging technology domains. (Please note that data for a few challenges is currently unavailable, and the classification is based on the author’s interpretation of the problem statements.)

Service-wise DISC Problem Statements

As mentioned earlier, different agencies have presented a range of problem statements to be addressed within iDEX DISC. These entities encompass the Indian defense forces, the Defence space agency, OFB and other DPSUs. Figures 4 and 5 provide an overview of the number of challenges proposed by each of these agencies within DISC.

Figure 4: Service-wise DISC Problem Statements (Pi Chart)
Figure 5: Service-wise DISC Problem Statements

It’s worth highlighting that the Indian Navy accounts for the majority, contributing 57% of the total challenges in DISC, with a total of 105 problem statements. The Indian Army and Air Force hold the second and third positions, respectively.


In conclusion, the Innovations for Defense Excellence (iDEX) Defense India Start-up Challenge (DISC) has played a pivotal role in catalyzing innovation within India’s defense and aerospace sectors since its inception in 2018. It has attracted a diverse array of start-ups, MSMEs, innovators, think tanks, and educational institutions, significantly enriching India’s burgeoning start-up landscape and stimulating defense innovation. The data provided highlights iDEX’s substantial impact on India’s start-up ecosystem, evident in the geographic distribution of participating companies and the surge in post-2018 incorporations. Additionally, the categorization of problem statements underscores the breadth of innovation that iDEX DISC fosters. This program exemplifies the power of collaborative efforts between start-ups, government entities, and defense organizations, not only expediting cutting-edge technology development but also solidifying India’s position as a rising force in the global defense and aerospace arena.


  1. iDEX — Home
  2. Ministry of Corporate Affairs
  3. Zauba Corp
  4. ‘Swavlamban’ — Indian Navy’s Maiden Naval Innovation and Indigenisation Seminar

