Astrology Birth Chart Analysis, How To Read Natal Chart

Nirbanjyoti Das
8 min readOct 7, 2017


Hey there! Today, I am going to read a chart of Capricorn ascendant. Follow the following chart –

I don’t want to mention her name for privacy reasons. Let’s assume herself as a “native”. She born in 16th December, 1998 at 9:30 am at Asansole, Paschim Bardhaman district in the Indian state of West Bengal. Let’s see details and read her chart too.

Planetary positions

1. When she was born, it was Capricorn lagna and the moon was in Libra. Sun was in Sagittarius .So, according to Vedic astrology she is Capricorn lagna (rising sun) and Libra zodiac or rashi (Moon sign). According to western astrology she is Scorpio zodiac (sun sign). We all know the basic characteristics of Capricorn and Libra. However to the eye of astrologer, these basic judgments will not work. We will check the planetary positions and do according to that.

2. I always said four things to consider, when judging a person, how it would be. They are — sun, moon, lagna, 7th house. Sun is the soul. Moon is mind; lagna is the physics and 7th house rest of the world. The sun is in Scorpio (lord mars), so her soul will be aggressive. Her moon is in Libra (Lord Venus) so her mind will look for luxury and lagna is Capricorn (lord Saturn) due to which she will be like fulfilling lot of debts. The 7th house is the cancer (lord moon) and moon is inspecting 4th house or lagna lord. This means 7th house, 4th house, 1st house, 2nd house, 7th house are connected. In her mind she will be thinking all the functions of those houses. From here we can tell nothing about her but can draw an image of her spouse. In mind her spouse will be good person, jealous, beautiful looking (If moon is not afflicted) and will always be talking care of him. However, the luck of the husband will go according to the 8th house, which will discuss later.

3. 1st house — The 1st house lagna, don’t have any planet with it. The lagna house is empty. This means she will get any effect of any planet throughout the life. Like I said before with examples. If someone of Venus in lagna, she will have luxury and comfort throughout the life no matter in what conditions she is. This here, her luck will change every time planetary positions changes. Since the lagna is Capricorn is Saturn is its lord. Saturn is placed in 4th house from lagna and taking care of the functions of 4th house. Saturn also inspecting lagna with its 10th eye. So, 1st house gets power. Saturn is here actually 1st lord and 2nd lord and sitting in 4th house. Her main planet is Saturn; the whole life of her is controlled by Saturn. Now, we have to at what condition it is. Here Saturn is n Aries and it is debilitated. Saturn inspected by mars 8th eye and moon. Overall this is not a good case. We will discuss this when we will discuss 4th house. However, the Saturn which is inspected by mars and moon is in the debilitated as well as retrograde status. Many say retrograde and debilitated status work as exalted. If this is true then the native is highly brilliant, common look and feel down to earn character and all good personalities and characteristics will be shown? The person will good in nature. He will not be proud of her work. She will be extremely hard working person as well. The 4th house is or mind, heart, feelings, home, car, assets etc. He could by old cars, old things as well. She will also have very mature old looks as well because she is ruled by Saturn. There would be delay in getting, buying or accruing assets.

4. 2nd house — like I said before the 1st lord and 2nd lord both are Saturn and looking at 4th house and inspected by 7th lord. This means after marriage the wealth, food, drink, speech, parental family, property, assets, jewelry, gold etc will increase and both will concentrate on this. They both could be business partner, they could be very known to each other, they could be working in same office or same rank etc. Moreover, 2nd house is also occupied by Jupiter and ketu and inspected by Rahu (which is an effect of guru chandali yoga). This means no matter other planets and could try to do there will be a separation. This means love formed but separated. The native will have misunderstanding with the upper hand and however she will find a guru at the last moment. It may happen the native could have many assets but cannot enjoy it or living a very simple lifestyle.

5. 3rd house — The 3rd house don’t have any planet and lord of 3rd house is Jupiter and is in 2nd house and 3rd house is inspected by mars. This increased the native will have interests in sports etc. However, she will not have good relationship with servants, assistances etc. Mars also denote here the death of parents.

6. 4th house — The functions of 4th house is here controlled by Saturn. So, there will delay getting overall happiness. Life will be full of happiness after 40. Saturn here is inspected by 7th lord moon and mars 8th eye. Saturn is sitting in mars house as well. Since mars is inspecting own house so mars will not let Saturn do any harm here. The moon will control the mind. Moon will ask will for mind, happiness, feelings, heart, love, close friends, all family members, happiness to the spouse and happiness form the spouse, animals, horses etc but Saturn and mars will start their war. The mars win.

7. 5th house — The 5th house is the house of Taurus. Venus is the lord of this house. No planets are here and only mercury is inspecting it. Mercury and Venus are friends and so mercury will do good on following areas — knowledge , education( mercury will increase his education) , memory , talents , the power of judgment , various knowledge of tantras , mantras , yantras . The 5th house also takes care of children’s. Her children’s will also be intelligent and will have effect of mercury. 5th house also takes care of amusements, romance and nature of spouse. The spouse will also be intelligent.

8. 6th house — 6th house is again very complicated house. The house don’t have any planet but inspected by Venus( 5th and 10th lord) , sun( 8th lord) , Saturn 3rd eye( 1st and 2nd lord ) , Jupiter 5th eye( 3rd lord and 12th lord). This house is house of mercury and mercury has friendships with sun, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter. So, all they will try to do well but Jupiter is enemy of Saturn and 6th house have aspect of two separating planets — Saturn and sun. So, finally native will not totally enjoy the benefits of 6th house. But , She will not have worries , anxieties , obstacles doing any work , enemies , thieves , lots of competitions etc because 6th house is the evil house and those two separating planets will try to separate her form the bad and good both. The results will be according to her karma.

9. 7th house — 7th houses is the house of spouse. This is cancer’s house. No planets are here and inspected by lagna. 7th lord will be in good condition and is moon and sitting in Libra. Husband will be oldly look, matured and good matching.

10. 8th house — 8th houses occupied by Rahu and inspected by Jupiter as well. Guru Chandali effect. Native is no way religious and spiritual minded, she will disobey religious norms, social norms etc. I don’t think Jupiter and Ketu would be able win here. Death could be suddenly, without any pain. Mode of death could any kind attack, injury, crash, accident etc. Since the native is a female so, the good and bad of husband is also depend on Rahu. The spouse will have Rahu characteristics.

11. 9th house — 9th houses is occupied by mars and inspected by none. 9th house is for dharma , support of nature , fortunes , wisdom , world view , faith , religion , dharma , worship , piety etc. This house also indicates that she will not have any religious mind. But she will have higher authority and ruling power other others.

12. 10th house — 10th houses is Libra and 7th lord moon is sitting here. However, this moon is inspected by Saturn. So, you can see the 7th lord moon is inspected by Saturn 7th eye. In professional area, she will not have any stability, always there will be a frustrating situation and disappointment with her professional life. Now, how the professional, job life would be that depends on 10th lord, its position, association and inspection. The 10th lord is Venus and it is with sun and surprisingly this Venus also inspects own house i.e. 5th house. So, we can write that there is connection of 5th house and 10th house is available. Since 5th house is for creativity , intelligence , knowledge , information , talent , education , memory and 10th house is for professional life , job life , profession , status of profession. So, we can say that she could be a teacher, professor, and go for any profession which is involved teaching and sharing knowledge. The mercury is also strong and so speaking and coaching related work. However, disturbance in professional life is seen.

13. 11th house — The 11th house is here the Scorpio and mars are lord of this house. Mercury is sitting here. Mercury is equal to mars and friend. So, mercury will do for 11th house. There are alone mercury will do well for her. Now know what 11th house stands are for. 11th house is for all articles, wealth, assets, home, big home and mainly fulfillment of wishes and dreams. So, no matter other house are fulfillment of wishes and dreams are seen if hard work is done.

14. 12th house — The 12th house is the Expenses, losses, wastes, loss of relativity, gain of spirituality, enlightenment, moksha, renunciation, loss of attachment, loss of identification, donations, charity, journey to far off distant lands, lonely places, confinement in prison, hospital or monastery, pleasures of the bed, secret enemies. Now, think what is the condition of the 12th house is who is sitting here? What is the condition? Who is associated with whom? Who is inspecting it? This house s occupied by Venus (5th lord & 10th lord) and sun (8th lord) and the lord of the 12th house is Jupiter who is sitting with Ketu and inspected by Rahu in 2nd house. Sun will be here to make expanses but will give lot of pleasures of bed throughout the life. No matter in what conditions the native is, she will enjoy comfort and luxury throughout the life.

15. There is neecha banga raj yoga because of sun. Sun is the lord of 8th house and sitting in 12th house — this will also taking care of 12th house and will give the native pleasures of bed throughout the life.

NOTE: Kindly note that I did not read 100% of a native’s kundli and this is not possible in a single article. If you want to know anything do email me or comment here, I will reply. There many other points of chart that is require to be taken care of — I did not want to miss them. I know and understand full kundli required to judge for perfect calculation. There are division charts (d9, d10, d20, d60 etc) for perfect calculation and the fruit of results. So, all the things require to be judged. There are sadh BAL etc also needs to be checked. This is just a basic analysis of a chart.

Look forward to your comments and sharing of knowledge.

About The Author:

This article is written by Nirbanjyoti Das , who is a astrolodger , writer , blogger , photographer , videographer and seo. If you do have any questions regarding astrology feel free to email me at .



Nirbanjyoti Das

Writter , blogger , photographer , videographer , traveler and digital marketer