How to use QR Codes in billboard advertising?

Smart Human Solutions
5 min readOct 26, 2023


How to use QR Codes in billboard advertising?

The Benefits of Using QR Codes in Billboard Advertising

Billboard with QR code

The popularity of QR codes has dramatically impacted how businesses market and engage with their clients. These codes offer numerous benefits for billboard advertising, making it more effective.

By utilizing them, valuable insights can be gained regarding who, when, and where they are being scanned. This information can enhance marketing strategies and tailor future campaigns to suit the target audience’s needs.

Moreover, QR codes provide a seamless transition between offline and online customer experiences. They allow immediate access to additional resources or information about the promoted product or service. This convenience enhances the user experience and increases the likelihood of conversions by offering quick access to alternative purchasing options and special discounts.

The expense of using QR codes as a marketing strategy in billboard advertising is low. Instead of spending a lot of money on traditional print advertisements that might only provide a little information, adding a straightforward QR code offers countless opportunities without considerably raising printing expenses.

Tips for Creating Effective QR Codes for Billboards

A maps QR code on billboard

QR codes on billboards can bridge the gap between offline and online marketing by enabling users to quickly access digital content, offers, and information. However, creating effective QR codes for billboards requires careful consideration to ensure they deliver a compelling and seamless user experience.

Here are some tips to create effective QR codes for billboards:

  • First, ensure that the QR code is easy to scan, making it big enough and placing it where it’s visible on the billboard.
  • Then, ensure the QR code has a high-contrast color scheme to stand out against the background.
  • It’s crucial to include a call to action or straightforward instructions with the QR code. If viewers can access exclusive content, join a contest, or receive special rewards by scanning the code, ensure that it’s evident to them.
  • To make the QR code more visually appealing, consider incorporating branding elements or images around it. However, keep the QR code’s main function intact.
  • Always conduct thorough testing of QR codes before integrating them into billboards. This guarantees a smooth user experience for anyone scanning them, regardless of their platform or device.

These steps will ensure that more individuals use the QR code scanner. It will increase scannability and be suitable for your campaign.

Potential Limitations of Using QR Codes in Billboards

Unique use cases of using QR code on billboard

While QR codes on billboards can be a valuable marketing tool, offering a bridge between physical and digital experiences, there are several limitations to consider. These limitations can impact the effectiveness of QR code campaigns on billboards:

1. Low QR Code Scanning Rates

Low acceptance leads to reduced QR code scanning rates. Since many people are unfamiliar with QR codes and may require assistance to scan them, the adoption is hindered. Additionally, scanning while driving is not feasible.

2. Lack of Knowledge

Greater awareness and understanding of QR codes are essential. Customers might hesitate to scan a QR code if they are uncertain about its purpose or how to do it, potentially resulting in missed chances for engagement and conversion.

3. Technical Problems

As with any technology-based solution, potential technical issues may arise when using QR codes on billboards. These issues may include inadequate lighting, incorrect placement or sizing of the code, or compatibility issues with devices, which may result in poor scanning performance.

4. Security Issues

Understanding and taking security concerns seriously when utilizing QR codes is of utmost importance to prevent potential security issues. There is a real risk that hackers could exploit QR codes by embedding malicious code that directs users to phishing websites or installs harmful malware on their devices. Being vigilant and implementing security measures can help safeguard both users and your digital assets when using QR codes for various purposes.

5. Limited Space for Information

Billboards face limitations in terms of space for QR codes, and users scanning them expect quick, valuable information. Striking a balance between providing enough content to make the scan worthwhile while keeping it concise is essential. This challenge is even more significant for billboards, where viewers have limited time to interact with the code as they pass by.

Examples of Successful QR Code Billboard Campaigns

Nike’s “QR Feet” Campaign

Nike incorporated QR codes in their billboard advertising to engage shoppers and advertise their most recent footwear line. Larger-than-life photos of players wearing Nike shoes could be seen on the billboards, along with a clear QR code. The QR code led users to a tailored landing page to learn more about the shoes and immediately purchase from their mobile devices after scanning them.

Coca-Cola’s “Music QR” Campaign

Coca-Cola chose to use music as their next big trump card. They brought an amazing twist to personalization and marketing. They added song lyrics to each Coca-Cola can, ranging from classic tunes like “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” to the latest hits by Taylor Swift. The songs were added for people to relate to each other. A QR code with short lyrical clips also accompanied them.

Macy’s AR-powered Billboard

Macy’s came up with a brilliant billboard advertising campaign using QR codes and augmented reality (AR) technology. The billboard featured a QR code that passersby could scan, leading them to download an AR app. This transformed the static image into an interactive shopping experience, showcasing Macy’s latest fashion lines. Users could virtually try on clothing and accessories, making online purchases or heading to a nearby store more convenient.

These compelling examples show how including QR codes in billboard advertising may improve consumer engagement, boost sales, and produce memorable consumer experiences.


QR codes are a valuable asset in advertising, particularly for billboard campaigns. They enable businesses to seamlessly integrate their offline and online marketing efforts, offering customers an interactive and engaging experience. As we gaze into the future of advertising, it’s evident that QR codes are poised to gain even more popularity across various industries.



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