The Popular Rise of Prashant ‘PK’ Kishor in Indian Politics

Nirvan Arora
4 min readMay 29, 2024


Prashant Kishor, an influential figure in Indian political campaign management, has significantly impacted the landscape of Indian politics through his data-driven strategies and modern techniques. While his methods have brought a new level of sophistication to political campaigns, they have also been associated with several negative consequences. This essay critically examines Kishor’s influence on Indian politics, focusing on areas of concern such as the rise in political toxicity, the spread of misinformation via social media, and issues surrounding accountability.

The Genesis of Prashant Kishor’s Political Influence

Prashant Kishor gained prominence during the 2014 Indian general elections by playing a key role in Narendra Modi’s campaign. His organisation, Citizens for Accountable Governance (CAG), utilised detailed voter profiling, targeted messaging, and extensive social media use. These strategies contributed to Modi’s victory and established Kishor as a leading political strategist. Kishor’s subsequent work with various political parties, including the 2015 Bihar assembly elections for the Mahagathbandhan and the 2021 West Bengal assembly elections for the Trinamool Congress, further demonstrated his strategic acumen.

Political Toxicity and the Weaponisation of Social Media

Kishor’s innovative methods have allegedly been linked to a more polarised and toxic political environment. His campaigns often employ targeted content to mobilize specific voter groups, which hold the ability to exacerbate social divisions and foster a hostile climate. For instance, during the 2015 Bihar elections, Kishor’s strategies included emphasising historical grievances to consolidate votes, which, while effective, deepened social tensions.

The Spread of Misinformation: “WhatsApp University”

The use of platforms like WhatsApp for political messaging has, according to some observers, contributed to the spread of misinformation, commonly referred to as “WhatsApp University.” Political campaigns increasingly rely on these platforms to disseminate narratives, often bypassing traditional media channels. This has led to the unchecked spread of fake news and manipulated content. During the 2014 general elections, various campaigns used WhatsApp groups to spread inflammatory or misleading messages, contributing to a highly polarized environment and undermining public trust in credible information sources.

Manipulation of Public Sentiment Through Surveys and Feedback Mechanisms

Another area of concern raised by critics is the use of surveys and feedback mechanisms to influence public sentiment. While these tools can provide valuable insights, they may also be used to manipulate public opinion by selectively presenting data. This can create an illusion of popular support for certain candidates or policies, potentially misleading voters and distorting the democratic process. For example, during the 2017 Uttar Pradesh assembly elections, extensive surveys were conducted to understand voter concerns, raising ethical questions about the manipulation of data to craft campaign narratives.

The Cult of Personality and Centralised Decision-Making

Kishor’s strategies often involve building strong, charismatic personas for candidates, which can centralize power and decision-making. This focus on individual personalities can overshadow substantive policy debates and reduce complex political issues to simplistic narratives. For example, the 2021 West Bengal assembly elections emphasized Mamata Banerjee’s leadership, diverting attention from policy discussions and contributing to a personality-driven political culture.

Lack of Accountability

Despite his influence, Kishor has often distanced himself from the negative consequences of his strategies, positioning himself as a professional consultant or a meagre political ‘aide’. This separation allows him to avoid accountability for the fallout of the campaigns he manages. Critics argue that his refusal to take responsibility for the negative outcomes reflects a lack of ethical consideration for the broader impact of his work. Kishor’s practice of becoming deeply involved in campaigns while avoiding direct responsibility for their outcomes further complicates accountability.

Broader Implications for Indian Democracy

The rise of Prashant Kishor and his strategic methods raises important questions about the health of Indian democracy. While his professional approach has modernised electioneering, it has also introduced challenges such as increased political toxicity, the spread of misinformation, and a lack of accountability. These issues undermine the democratic process and erode public trust in political institutions. Moreover, Kishor’s success has inspired other political consultants to adopt similar methods, entrenching these practices in the Indian political landscape and potentially threatening the integrity of elections and governance.


Prashant Kishor’s entry into Indian politics has brought both sophistication and controversy to political campaigns. While his strategies have helped achieve significant electoral successes, they have also seemingly contributed to a more toxic and polarized environment, the spread of misinformation, and issues surrounding accountability. As Indian politics continues to evolve, it is crucial for political strategists to consider the ethical implications of their methods and prioritize transparency, accountability, and societal well-being over short-term electoral gains. Ensuring the integrity of the democratic process and maintaining social harmony are essential for the health of India’s democracy.

DISCLAIMER: This article is an opinion piece. The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any organization. The article aims to provide a critical analysis based on available information and interpretations by various observers and analysts. It is not intended to malign any individual, group, or entity. All claims and assertions should be verified independently by the reader.



Nirvan Arora

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