
Nisa Khairun
5 min readOct 3, 2018


We’re fixing Associate in Nursing massive real-international trouble with the helpful resource of helping patients take their drug treatments nicely Every day, lots of lots of people at large fail to require their capsules as prescribed and also the consequent personal and economic prices square measure wondrous. Worldwide, non-adherence ends up in $seven-hundred billion in avertible scientific costs.

The facts we have a tendency to produce is exclusive and has the huge rate to pharmaceutical agencies, researchers and governments. Every time an affected individual makes use of our CuraServe technology, our statistics grows in computer code and charge.

Curaizon™ solves drug non-adherence drawback with the helpful resource of an approach of deploying our generation via countrywide health offerings. As a vicinity of our answer, we have a tendency to acquire merely anonymized records just about however and whereas patients take medicative medicine.

CuraTokens™ square measure the pleasant manner to urge right of access to our information. Tokens will be saved to urge correct of getting entry to the info, at the thanks to enhancing research, electricity down tending fees and maintain lives. The rate of a CuraToken™ is predicated completely totally on an actual technique to a true trouble.


Curaizon™ is that the sole commercialism that offers full tending surroundings that allow patents through decreasing drug non-adherence. the environment embodies CuraServe™, CuraData™, and CuraView™ and permits to decrease tending fees and increase medical analysis.


  • Communicates with patents the usage of non-intrusive reminders.
  • allows members of the family to help patents. Supports healthcare corporations with a real-time read into patent behavior.


  • Integrates with fitness offerings gift systems.
  • Ensures that every one patent facts are modern.
  • Provides real-time remarks to virtual scientific file.


  • Collects explicit and treasured statistics.
  • Holds simplest demographic and adherence statistics. Patent identifier command through health institution.
  • obtainable via CuraToken™

Curaizon™ System

Patent Dashboard

Within our era, it’s miles viable for patents to log in to their non-public dashboards/money owed, through the App or Web, and correct away see their development and standing. they’re capable to show and benchmark themselves in competition to others internal their peer enterprise. This affords a credential of gamification in an attempt to extend engagement and builds power, find of as correct with and transparency. It, what is more, offers the option for patents to perform reminders for medications that were procured over the counter. Such examples could be a starting manipulate pill or weight loss program nutritional dietary supplements. In addition, the patent is ready to trade the destination or very charitable donation that square measure made on their behalf. we have a tendency to positioned patents on a pinnacle of things and create them a neutral of their non-public care

Provider Dashboard

Healthcare teams square measure capable of reading their patent’s adherence and well-being in real-time via the CuraServe™ dashboard. The information provided permits them to examine their most at-danger patents and choose upon the superior path of action based mostly completely upon real facts. This location tending businesses anyplace among the worldwide on a pinnacle of things and offers them the flexibility to be proactive, in an option to extremely reactive, for the first time. the corporate will additionally interrogate the knowledge to seek out out the variety of potential optimization opportunities.

Healthcare Dashboard

CuraView™ is our excessive-diploma reporting and informatics platform for fitness services. This agency offers a read into each patent on Associate in Nursing person foundation, however, will generate effective reviews that identify troubles throughout a form of patent segments. From pills to contamination, and demographics to multi-morbidity, we have a tendency to square measure able to deliver the fitness service Associate in Nursing in-intensity analysis of the successes and disasters that lay within the tool. moreover, it may identify super and worst practice across the network of medical doctors, highlighting troubles that may be resolved with the high-quality application of belongings that may in the other case be unknowable.


  • CuraToken™ Utility Tokens (CTKN) allow the token holder to urge admission to our proprietary and anonymized medical data on the blockchain.
  • CuraTokens™ square measure the most effective manner to urge entry to Curaizon’s™ technology.
  • CuraToken™ holders will get right of entry to information that utilizes effective, prophetical analytics, AI and big records within the combat among the course of drug non-adherence.
  • CuraTokens™ give real-time analysis of affected character behavior and adherence.
  • CuraTokens™ allow the employment of blockchain era to regulate authentication, confidentiality, and duty via allowing humans to get on a pinnacle of things in their facts, providing safety, safety, and compliance with all future, needed tips, like GDPR.
  • CuraTokens™ facilitate partnerships with scientific and pharmaceutical corporations via a token praise device.
  • CuraToken™ holders perceive they will be saving lives around the arena by an approach of the usage of an approach of the employment of serving to clear up the effort of drug non-adhere.

Token Distribution

Tokens could also be obtained via token holders upon completion of token sale with the distribution as follows:

What Square Measure The Employment Of Funds?

Curaizon™ anticipate that we have a tendency to square measure capable of the portion our belongings as discovered to a lower place.


January 2016

CuraServe™ Development Begins

June 2017

CuraServe™ Testing current

February 2018

CuraData™ Alpha unleash Complete

August first, 2018

Token non-public Sale Begins

August thirty-first 2018

Token Public Sale Begins

November 2018

CuraData™ Beta unleash Complete

March 2019

CuraServe™ Public unleash

July 2019

CuraData™ Platform Growth


Curadata™ two.Zero unleash

