Nisa Marysa
6 min readNov 7, 2018


Welcome to my dear companions. Today I need to educate you concerning another task, however as of now an outstanding venture.

Gold is turning into a protest of the venture, enthusiasm for the yellow metal, or, in other words. Of the aggregate item, gold will turn into a medium of trade and installment, in all-inclusive terms it is an immediate way to an unrest in the economy.

Karatcoin permits open and open verification of all benefit reports put away in a decentralized database through our Proof of Asset (PoA) convention, created in the EOS Blockchain hinder, by incorporating IPFS (InterPlanetary Files System) to track the whole validation way through its chain of authority.

Gold is a metal, a mineral, which wound up known to the world around 6.5 thousand years prior.

After the presence of this metal, the improvement and life of humanity drastically changed their development. Today, gold is a beneficial material for contributing your very own cash. Throughout the years, different monetary forms have shown up and vanished, and this metal is still of extraordinary significance. The individuals who have gold stores have eminence and impact. By the measure of gold, they evaluate the level of riches as well as gain a distinct place in the public arena. 52% of gold is utilized for the generation of high-esteem gems. On industry — 18%, 28% — on speculations and reserve funds.

Today, over half of worldwide gold stores are moved in China, India, Russia, Japan, and Brazil.

In this day and age when everything is changing in fast progression, it’s difficult to assess the creativity and virtue of any protest especially in the field of physical resources.

In the meantime individuals have turned out to be more astute over the time and in the quest for lavishness, they are buckling down.

They complete plenty of things, for example, speculation exchanging, office work up to 12–14 hrs/day or considerably more than that in their working environments.

Relatively every one of us puts their cash in different physical resources.

Gold is one of them however in all actuality, the procurement of gold isn’t that simple as it shows up in the brought together economy. It includes the various printed material and different intricacies forced by the govt in addition to less enthusiasm on your stores.

We require a powerful framework that gives an abnormal state of security as well as the straightforwardness in exchanges.

Here comes the world first savvy and decentralized #blockchain answer for physical #Gold i.e. #KARATCOIN.

#Karatcoin task will be the principal shrewd decentralized substance who for the most part manage the working of physical gold viz. mining, putting away, exchanging and so on.

In any case, various issues emerge:

  • trouble in discovering gold in the market;
  • estimation of securities: in the market, the security is presently inconsistent. You should stress over the likelihood that the world is in a troublesome deflationary financial snare.
  • the security showcase never again lingers behind the “collapse bend”;
  • one of the fundamental downsides in the arrangement of the help of obligation commitments is the obligation of benefactors who don’t satisfy their legally binding commitments;
  • unused gold;

The organization will take care of these issues as pursues:

  • The KARATCOIN stage is specifically connected to working gold mines, which will get financing to help increment gold generation. The more noteworthy the financing of KARATCOIN, the higher the collected gold creation, which, thus, will expand the expense of the KARATCOIN mint pieces.
  • On the decentralized Ethereum stage, you can buy Karatcoin gold testaments with various development dates and comparing semi-yearly coupons with a yield of 5 to 6%, contingent upon its span.
  • With the assistance of keen contracts, you can trade cash, property, offers or something important in a straightforward, clash freeway, while keeping away from the administrations of a middle person. One of the advantages of utilizing shrewd contracts is that the procedure can be computerized. In this manner, if the limit isn’t achieved, at that point all the cash is returned.

• Objects of the Project :

#Karatcoin fundamentally giving budgetary administrations which will catch the gold market at first. Karatcoin will center around the advancement of gold and mining development of gold mining organizations.

Karatcoin building a stage to exchange gold testaments over all fringes, trade karatcoin #tokens, additionally spare and trade cash utilizing gold cards.

• Special Features of KARATCOIN

As the made reference to above, karatcoin will straightforwardly work with the worldwide organizations which manage the mining and handling of physical gold.
Be that as it may, it is managed with no impedance from the outsider.

• No Cross Border Restrictions :

Karatcoin will give bother free and cost-effective administrations with no confinements of outskirts over the nations.
The related charges and transport cost can be limited by putting away crude materials in their starting point put.

• Store Physical Gold :

In a Centralized framework, you will be charged more to store your physical gold and gold bonds in banks or any administration directed foundations yet here you can store the physical resource in the vault and keep it as gold declarations in your wallet on Karat #blockchain with an affirmation to get the higher qualities after some time.


No-geo limitations. When the gold is changed over to crypto gold, you can repurchase it in any nation *. Transportation costs and related assessments are limited, leaving crude materials in their place of the root.

Keep physical gold. A physical gold resource can be put away inside the curve and store its Gold endorsements in your wallet in Karat Blockchain, gold is protected from political impact and will expand its incentive after some time.

DPOS Consensus — The charge will be utilized as an arrival for financial specialists, not for diggers. This will expand security, diminish control utilization and accelerate the output time (10 seconds).

Acquire a settled wage — Gold authentications are a protected speculation. Our authentication gives you 2 semi-yearly coupons with a wage of up to 6%.

Gold Profit — Vote for gold mines to finance and take an interest in dynamic rates of subsidizing gave to chosen mines.

PRE-SALE — 100% Sale with a 30% reward
STAGE 1–16% Bonus purchase currently, visit: https://karatcoin.co/#tokenSale
STAGE 2–13%
DAPP Bonus


Karatcoin will make a decentralized application in the gold market, giving reasonable gold vendors and providers the capacity to name a similar metal under a solitary marker of crypto dynamic resources, making an exceedingly fluid and stable market.

impart Straight to Blockchain on the Internet.



Start advancement of the Karatcoin stage.
Innovative work
MARCH 2018
White paper made
MARCH 2018
Made a marketable strategy
JULY 2018
See Programmed with a 30% reward
Full working demo of our dApp
Open ICO extra begins at 16%
The advancement of the blockchain
1 ° Saft to feature physical gold
Begin choosing demands for mines
MARCH 2019

Visit: https://karatcoin.co/#tokenSale
Website: https://karatcoin.co
Whitepaper link: https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/karatcoin.co/files/docs/KC_WP.pdf
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=4932340
Telegram: https://t.me/KaratcoinGroup

Author : nisamarysa
Profil bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2347714
Wallet : KTCwSVizsnbAidCt3MeUvTE1Wh36kr2QFpn

