“Farewell Etsy: The Reasons I Bid Adieu to Selling on the Platform”

2 min readJun 16, 2024


As an artisan and small business owner, Etsy was once the perfect platform for me to showcase and sell my handmade products. However, as time went on, I began to notice some significant drawbacks to selling on the platform that ultimately led to my decision to bid adieu to Etsy.

One of the main reasons I decided to leave Etsy was the increasing fees and costs associated with selling on the platform. At first, the fees seemed reasonable, but as my business grew and my sales increased, I found myself paying a significant amount of money to Etsy in fees and commissions. This not only ate into my profits but also made it difficult for me to price my products competitively. Additionally, Etsy’s constant changes to their fee structure made it challenging for me to predict and budget for these expenses, further complicating my financial planning.

Another reason I decided to leave Etsy was the lack of control and customization options available to sellers. While Etsy provides a platform for small businesses to reach a larger audience, I found myself restricted in terms of branding and marketing my products. The platform’s strict guidelines and regulations limited my ability to create a unique and personalized shopping experience for my customers, ultimately hindering my ability to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Furthermore, I grew increasingly frustrated with the lack of support and communication from Etsy’s customer service team. When I encountered issues with my listings, payments, or customer inquiries, I found it difficult to get timely and helpful responses from Etsy’s support staff. This lack of support made it challenging for me to resolve issues quickly and effectively, leading to frustration on both my end and my customers’.

Additionally, I found that Etsy’s search algorithms and promotional tools were not as effective as I had hoped in driving traffic to my shop. Despite investing time and money into optimizing my listings and using Etsy’s advertising features, I found that my products were often buried in search results or overshadowed by larger sellers with more resources to invest in marketing. This lack of visibility ultimately led to a decline in sales and a loss of confidence in the platform as a viable sales channel for my business.

In conclusion, while Etsy was once a valuable platform for me to showcase and sell my handmade products, the increasing fees, lack of customization options, poor customer support, and ineffective marketing tools ultimately led me to bid adieu to selling on the platform. Moving forward, I have found alternative platforms and avenues to sell my products that offer more control, support, and visibility for my small business. Though it was a difficult decision to leave Etsy, I am confident that it was the right choice for the long-term success and growth of my business.

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