ChatGPT applications in the real world | Technical Chamber

2 min readMar 14, 2023


This model is being implemented in a wide variety of real-world applications, from customer service to content generation.

Some of the most relevant applications may be:

Chatbots: This model is used to create advanced chatbots that can understand and respond to user questions and requests with a high degree of accuracy. These chatbots are of great help in customer service, where they provide a fast and efficient experience for them, thus improving their final satisfaction.

Content Generation: Generating articles, documents, and other types of content has never been so easy. ChatGPT can be trained by different text bases so that the model generates and returns coherent and convincing texts, so this tool is very helpful when creating document summaries, content on very specific topics, etc.

Translation applications: It is capable of automatically translating a text into another language, which is ideal for real-time translations of chats and videos.

Entertainment applications: It is also applied in the creation of games and entertainment applications, such as conversation games and text games.

Programming: It returns code according to the request that you give it, that is, you can give it a piece of code that has an error and ask it to find it and in a matter of seconds you have it.

You can also ask for specific code and in the programming language you want.

These are some examples of current applications of ChatGPT in the real world but its potential can be included in practically any sector.

