Respect as a notion in Teacher-student relationship.

3 min readJul 6, 2022


Respect is important in our life. respect means you accept somebody for who they are irrespective of your conflict or Opposition with that person.we show respect for a person form our behavior, manners or the way we are calling the person.Respect build feeling of safety, trust and well being. In every relationship respect is important either in a child or parents relationship , a boss and employee relationship or a teacher or student relationship.If we talk about the relationship of a student or teacher. teachers are like our spiritual parents they teach us, make us capable for facing this world and their problems. It is very well known that teachers play a very important and vital role in the life of a child.teacher guides the student to the right path. teacher provide support and knowledge to their students. In return of all these efforts of teachers it is mandatory for us as a student to respect our teachers.In every level of our life we need guidance and parents are provide that guidance but in case of career or field guidance we consult our teachers and teachers provide us that necessary guidance we needed.Everywhere, from nursery to college level, we need a teacher’s help.As a student,it is important for us to respect our teacher. it doesn’t means we always have to say yes on every point of teacher or everything they’s means we have to show courtesy in our behavior toward them.

In addition, respecting your teachers sets a good example for other students and create a positive earning environment . positive learning environment boost our abilities to learn things more quickly and make our mind more calm , fresh,and creative.When students respect their teachers, they are more likely to listen to them and be receptive to feedback. Richard Howard says:

Give your teacher the respect they deserve because they are the ones who can help you to get where you need to go

ALLAH and his prophet teaches us to be obedient and listen to our teachers in order to be successful in life. teachers are those who are not king themselves but make their students king.

The simplest form of respect which students can give to their teachers is to stand and greet when teacher enter in the class. listen carefully what teacher are teaching and pay proper attention to their work. when student have to ask question or their queries from teacher raise hand instead of shouting. never call your teachers by their names but call them by using a respectful words like Madam, Ma’am or sir.but unfortunately in our today’s society some students not properly respecting their teachers.They call them by different names,misbehave in front of whole class,not done homework regularly,not paying proper attention to their work.

In short, Teachers deserve our respect because all the things they do for us. They teach us, they give us advice, and they make sure that we succeed in life. We should always show our respect to them and never forget to thank them for all they do for us.

