Heel Spur Relief

Nishanth verma
3 min readApr 21, 2018


Looking for a permanent cure way — without any medication, injections or surgery ?

Heel spur is the one of the common problem most of the people are facing in the world. The pain is very worst and living with heel spur is very uncomfortable.


Heel spurs are tiny calcium deposits attached to the heel bone. Heel spurs can grow, undetected, for several months or even years.However, as the shelf-shaped,hooked,pointed, or calcium deposits grow, they may begin to dig the soft, fatty tissue of the heel, resulting in a stinging sensation and extreme heel pain with every step you take.

Heel spurs is mainly associated with a condition known as Plantar Fasciitis. When the plantar fascia ligament, which runs along the bottom of the foot, is damaged, the body creates calcium deposits on the heel bone in an attempt to support the damaged fascia. Heel spurs can cause a severe ankle pain in addition to damaging the fatty pad of your heel.

Symptoms of heel spurs may include swelling, pain, and inflammation at the front of your heel. The symptoms may spread to the arch of your foot.

Some heel spurs may cause no symptoms at all. About 50 percent of people with heel spurs experience pain from them. Heel spurs are often unveiled only through X-rays and during some other tests done for another foot ailment.

It’s difficult to diagnose a heel spur on your own because the symptoms are similar to other forms of foot problems and heel pain. For a proper diagnosis, You’ll need to visit a specialist, such as orthopedic surgeon or a podiatrist. The most common symptoms of heel spurs can include:

  • Sharp pain in the heel when standing up in the morning
  • A dull ache in the heel for the rest of the day
  • swelling and inflammation at the front of the heel
  • A small visible bone-like protrusion under the heel
  • Point of tenderness at the bottom of the heel

Treatments for heel spurs may include:

  1. Rest
  2. Applying Ice
  3. using custom made orthotics
  4. Wearing cushioned made sports shoes
  5. Anti- Inflammatory medication

However, the above Heel Spur cures are usually effective, and surgery is not needed. The fastest and most efficient solution of all the Heel Spur Treatment Products, would be 3D Custom Insoles. One simple reason is that the foot of every person is different from left to right, person to person. Every pair of these insoles for heel pain is designed for an individual. The custom foot capture process scans both the feet separately so that one can get the right fit for their unique feet.

Shapecrunch’s Heel Spur Orthotic works by applying acupressure to stop pain, then goes to work healing the problems that caused the heel spur or spurs to form. These 3D Custom Insoles physically re-stretch the plantar-fascia ligament while increasing the density of the heel’s natural fat pad (the body’s natural shock absorber). They also structurally support the heel bone to prevent partial collapse of the mid-foot. The effective design of this orthotic has been clinically proven to treat heel spurs. These 3D Custom Insoles have been tested and proven highly effective in countless clinical studies. They simply outperform other heel spur orthotics.

