Structure And Working Criteria Of Nano Wires

Nishant Jagtap
2 min readFeb 26, 2015

The nanowires have the properties of an insulator, semiconductor or a metal. Insulators don’t carry any sort of electrical charges through them, whereas the metal carries electric charges through them. On the other hand, semi-conductors fall between a metal and an insulator. By the proper arrangement of semiconductors in a proper configuration, the engineers are able to create transistors which act as a switch or an amplifier.

The nanowires are extremely thin. It’s easily possible to create a single Nano wire of length one nanometer, but still the engineers and the scientist are working with the nanometer of length 30–60 wide nanometers.

Significant properties of nanowires

Other interesting properties of Nanowires are the ballistic conductors. In case of normal conductors, the electrons collide with the conductive material. This creates a slowdown effect within the electrons as they travel within the conductive material and thus creates heat as the byproduct.

But this is not the case with the ballistic conductors; here the electrons travel through the conductor without making any sort of collision. The nano wires are capable of conducting electricity without producing heat as a byproduct.

As we all know about the fact that electrons can’t pass through the insulator, but if the insulator is thin enough, then the electrons can make a move from one side to another side. This process is known as electron tunneling. Here the electron passes from one side of the insulator to the other side of the insulator without occupying the space within them. You can avoid this process of electron tunneling by making use of thick layers of insulators as the electrons can travel only through small distances.

There are a number of online Nano wires suppliers who feature themselves within the online market and provide an easy way for the people to get access to their products.

