Mentoring for Fedora - Google Code In 2019–2020

Nishant Parhi
3 min readJan 24, 2020


My Journey with Google Code In started 3 years ago. In my first year as a participant, I completed 7 tasks for Ubuntu. I had started too late and was unable to do more than 7 tasks. I waited a year for Google Code In 2019 and I participated in Fedora-Project. In just 2–3 Days I completed 6 tasks which gave me a confidence boost to compete further in the competition. I started communicating with the mentors in fedora who were really helpful and supportive. When the Contest ended, I had completed 27 tasks, the highest number of task for Fedora-Project 2018–2019. After 10–11 Days I got an Email which said I have been selected to be a Finalist, YaY!!. During the competition I made many friends. I continued to keep touch with the Fedora-Project Summer Coding Telegram Group.

During 1st week of October Vipul Siddhart sent me a link to apply as a Mentor. I Filled the Form and submitted some dummy questions on Ansible. I got a Notice saying that the Ansible tasks were similar to last year’s task and I should make some more tasks that will be new for the students/Participants so I started working on many Cyber Security tasks. I still remember the time when I was working on the tasks I always had a feeling that the idea to drag Security will be a flop still I did not care about the future and made around 30 tasks and submitted. Luckily the OA’s (Vipul Siddhart and Sumantro Mukherjee) liked my tasks and all of them got approved.

After the approval of the tasks Vipul invited me to the Mentors Group where I met amazing people who are regular contributors to Fedora-Project. After some days all the tasks were uploaded and I checked out all the tasks made by other mentors and I was kinda worried about my tasks! The tasks made by my peer mentors were fantabulous and seemed so interesting.

Its December 2 and the Competition starts! I opened my dashboard and waited for participants to submit tasks. Within 1 hour I got 40 tasks which were submitted, and I was happy as the tasks were a hit. In the first week, I got some amazing submissions for the tasks. As time passed, I had increased the difficulty level of the tasks and still I was amazed to observe that so many participants who are less than 18 can complete the tasks which are not even taught to them in school. Huh! I don’t even want to talk about my school life, it was horrible. The only thing I could do good was computers! Okay, Let’s not deviate from the topic. But I really want schools to give regular discussion lectures to students on how to keep themselves safe from cyber crime.

Statistics after the competition is over, Fedora-Project has completed 2616 tasks all together. Total number of tasks which were published is 246. 1027 students claimed at least one task. Personally I have interacted with 849 tasks and I had 42 published tasks.

Results will be out on February 10. Participants who have done at least 1 task will receive a Digital Certificate form Google. The Participant who have completed at least 3 tasks will also receive a Google Branded T-Shirt. There will be 6 finalists for each organization, 3 Finalist, 1 Runners up, 2 Grand Prize winners. The finalist receive a Certificate, T-shirt, and A cool Hoodie. For the first time the Runners up will receive a Google Backpack in addition to the T shirt and Hoodie. The 2 Grand Prize Winner followed by one of their parent/Local Guardian will be sponsored by Google to Visit Google HQ at San Fran and Mountain View.

