I competed against Chat GPT and…

Nishant Patro
6 min readMay 8, 2023


I recently came across a video on YouTube by Casey Neistat where he asked AI to write a videos script for him. This gave me an idea to do a similar thing but with writing an article. With the launch of Chat GPT in November, 2022, who whole world is shaken and scared, especially content writers. AI has the ability to write articles of how many words we want and whatever topic we choose. It’s interesting as well as scary as it does have the ability to replace jobs in the coming future.

So, to experiment this, I decided a topic and wrote the article on my own. Then I asked the same to Chat GPT to write with the same number of words. So, the next heading below this paragraph will be the topic of the article written by me followed by the article written by Chat GPT. Enjoy!

Pros and Cons of Remote Works (My Version)

With the pandemic in 2020, the trend of working remotely for employees has increased drastically and is still in place even after the whole world is out of pandemic. The increase in demand of remote work is more compared to daily commute. And this was somehow predicted way back in 1960s. Who did it? A man named Arthur C. Clarke, who was a science-fiction writer, inventor and a futurist.

The video was broadcasted on September 21, 1964 where Arthur predicted the future and told that the communication satellites will make possible a world in which we can be in instant contact with each other and wherever we may be. I came across this video from one of Varun Mayya’s videos about remote work. Even the Economist predicted that by 2035, there could be 1 billion remote workers.

But why is that? Let me tell you the pros of remote work.

1. Saves money: If you could get a chance to do the exact amount of work just by staying in your hometown rather than going to different city, what would you choose? By shifting to a new city, there be extra burdens of finances like rent, travelling, food, internet, etc. But by staying at home, you could save a lot of money which you can save and invest on yourself.

2. Saves time: Almost every single person shifts to a metro city for jobs and the worst part of these cities are; TRAFFIC! Employees spend around 2hrs or more every day to go to work and it sucks up the energy. Just waiting in the cab stuck in traffic or just travelling by metro/subway every day for work is a frustrating feeling. People lose every will to work when they reach the office and it indirectly impacts their work. But by staying home, you can save 2 hrs every day which you can invest in learning something new, spending time with yourself or family or doing anything of your choice.

3. Try new things: One of the main positives about remote work is that you get explore so many new things. For example, you are a content writer like me, you can sit at home while doing your work while exploring something new like graphic designing. It keeps you engaged and you keep on learning new things. Win/Win.

Now let’s look at the cons of remote work.

1. Lack of Interaction: If you want to begin your career, remote work is not the best option because as a rookie, you need someone whom you can look up to. Following someone’s path or just learning about work and life via the online method isn’t as effective as being in a human interaction. Varun Mayya said in his video how humans have mirror neurons and early in our career, we tend to mimic people who are ahead of us. Just observing them and being with them teaches us a lot about everything.

2. Loneliness: One of the biggest cons of remote work is that after one point you’ll just get sick and tired of staying in one place. Having the same routine, eating the same food, interacting with the same people will literally tire you down. So, getting out of your house to a place where you can interact with new faces with new experiences will teach you a lot of things and will keep you happy.

3. You need new friends: Varun in his video speaks how for a healthy friendship, you need two things: Proximity and repetition. For example, you make friends in college because you share the same class or club with rather than approaching someone randomly to be friends with. The common place you meet people with is proximity and being with them everyday for the next 3 years is repetition. These two things are the key for a healthy friendship. But in a remote location it is very tough to make a good bond with your colleagues whereas going to a workplace will.

These were some of the pros and cons of the remote work. Do let me know in the comments section below about your thoughts on remote work.

Pros and Cons of Remote Works (AI Version)

Remote work, or working from home, has become increasingly popular in recent years due to technological advancements and changes in the job market. While remote work offers many benefits, there are also some drawbacks to consider. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of remote work.

Pros of Remote Work

1. Increased Flexibility: Remote work offers employees the ability to work flexible hours that fit their schedule, allowing for a better work-life balance. This can be especially beneficial for those with family or other commitments that require them to be at home during certain times.

2. No Commute: Without a daily commute, remote workers can save both time and money. Commuting can be stressful and time-consuming, and eliminating it from the daily routine can improve mental health and overall job satisfaction.

3. Increased Productivity: Many remote workers report increased productivity and job satisfaction. This may be due to a variety of factors, including fewer distractions and interruptions, more control over the work environment, and the ability to work during their most productive hours.

4. Increased Job Opportunities: Remote work has expanded job opportunities beyond geographic limitations. Workers can now apply for and work for companies all over the world, without having to relocate.

5. Cost Savings: Remote workers can save money on transportation, parking, and other work-related expenses. Additionally, employers can save money on office space, equipment, and other overhead costs.

Cons of Remote Work

1. Isolation: Remote work can be isolating, especially for those who thrive on social interactions in the workplace. Without daily interactions with colleagues, remote workers may feel disconnected from the company culture and miss out on important networking opportunities.

2. Technology Challenges: Technology issues such as slow internet connection, software problems, and equipment malfunctions can be frustrating and time-consuming for remote workers. Without immediate access to IT support, these issues can delay productivity and increase stress.

3. Distractions: While remote workers have fewer distractions from colleagues, they may face new distractions at home such as family members, pets, and household chores. Without the structure of a physical office, it can be challenging to maintain a productive work environment.

4. Lack of Boundaries: Remote work can blur the line between work and personal life, making it difficult for employees to disconnect from work. This can lead to burnout and decreased job satisfaction over time.

5. Communication Challenges: Effective communication is critical for remote workers to succeed. Without face-to-face interactions, remote workers may struggle to communicate effectively with colleagues, leading to misunderstandings and decreased productivity.


Remote work offers many benefits, including increased flexibility, productivity, and job opportunities. However, it also presents challenges such as isolation, technology issues, distractions, lack of boundaries, and communication challenges. It is important for individuals and organizations to carefully consider these pros and cons when deciding whether remote work is right for them.

Remote work may not be suitable for everyone or every type of job, but for those who are able to thrive in a remote work environment, it can offer many benefits. With the right tools, technology, and communication strategies in place, remote work can be a successful and rewarding option for both employees and employers.

Wow! Honestly, I did not expect so much information from AI but I think that’s one of things I love about any AI bot. As a writer, you need to research a lot about a particular topic but if you want to get new ideas or if you are doubtful that you are missing something, you can easily ask AI.

Chat GPT’s article is surely informative but it still lacks that human touch and emotions. It just showed us the facts but a writer would add the main ingredient to it, i.e., the human emotions. What do you think?

