Jordan Peterson’s Personality Test and How it Helped Me

Nishant Sharma
3 min readDec 30, 2022


Jordan Peterson’s Personality Test has helped me understand myself better. The comprehensive report I was provided with after completing the test, helped me assess my strengths and weaknesses in a much better way. I took the test when I was 26 years old. Before I took the Personality Test, I had been listening to the podcasts and videos of Mr. Peterson for two years.

The Personality Test was for Rs. 500 approximately, converted in Indian Rupee. For the price of a movie ticket and a normal burger, you get an incredibly detailed report! The cost is completely worth it. Here is how the test works.

Mr. Peterson’s test is based on Carl Jung’s personality model. Mr. Peterson is quite fond of Carl Jung, as he keeps mentioning his name in many of his YouTube videos. So, the test is based on the OCEAN model.

According to Carl Jung, each person can be assessed on “Big Five” traits. O is for Openness. C for Conscientiousness. E for Extraversion. A for Agreeableness. And N for Neuroticism.

Openness measures how “open” a person is to new ideas and opinions. This is, basically intelligence. Conscientiousness measures how industrious a person is, that is, how much of a workhorse he/she is. This is one of the biggest factors to assess long term success, according to Mr. Peterson. Extraversion measures how extroverted or introverted a person is. More extraversion generally translates to more happiness.

Agreeableness measures how easy-to-get-along-with a person is. For example, lawyers and police officers are low on agreeableness (as expected), but teachers and nurses are high in this trait. Finally, Neuroticism measures how anxiety prone a person is. Women generally have high neuroticism than men.

Now, so far so good. Now, each of these traits are further divided into two.

Openness into Openness and Intellect.

Conscientiousness into Industriousness and Orderliness.

Extraversion into Enthusiasm and Assertiveness.

Agreeableness into Compassion and Politeness.

Neuroticism into Withdrawal and Volatility.

The Personality Test report measures each of these 5x2=10 traits. The test report is very revelatory viz-a-viz the jobs suitable for the person, his/her political opinions and so on. For example, people who are high in Openness generally drift towards left wing politics. And people who are high in Conscientiousness favor right wing.

People high in Agreeableness are better suited for such people-friendly jobs as teaching and nursing. And people low in Agreeableness are better suited for such jobs as the army and lawyers.

Here are some of the screenshots of my own Personality Report.

As you can see, I am high in trait Conscientiousness. People high in this trait generally have good academic records and are more likely to have longer higher studies. Now, I have three higher education degrees and am working on the fourth one.

After the test results came out, I was like, “Yes, it is kind of true. I have never struggled with academics, precisely because I have studied every day since my school days.” You will have many such “Aha!” moments when you read your own Personality Test report.

You can get your own Personality Test done by clicking here. You will have to take an MCQ-type test. Make sure you are not hungry, are not in a noisy space, are not angry, when taking the test. Read the instructions carefully. The test itself takes about 30–40 minutes and then a PDF report is generated.

I would particularly urge people who are between 15 to 30 years of age to take the test. The test report will genuinely help you understand yourself better, so you will take better decisions personally and professionally- just like it has helped me.

