Manali — Himachal Pradesh Tourist Places

Nisha Parmar
7 min readDec 7, 2016



Situated in the condition of Himachal Pradesh, Manali is home to different beauteous attractions and draws swarms of visitors consistently who come to appreciate the views and attractions of the place as likewise to partake in different fun exercises, for example, rafting, mountaineering and trekking that connect with many individuals. Perused on to learn in insights about Manali, the visitor puts out there, the way of life of this wonderful slope station and some more

Manali is arranged on the northern end of the Kullu Valley, at a tallness of 1,926 meters. It is in the condition of Himachal Pradesh and the name of place, Manali, actually remains for the ‘Home of Manu.’ Manu, for the uninitiated, is a character in Indian mythology and he was much the same as Noah of the Bible. He figured out how to survive the considerable Flood that suffocated the whole world. At the point when the surge died down, he came to Manali and reproduced life once more. Normally, Manali is consecrated and is viewed as the Home of Manu. Hindus consider a trek to the sanctuaries in Manali as journey.

For conventional sightseers, Manali holds an otherworldly beguile with its great mountains and scene with lavish green excellence and energizing landscapes. An outing to Manali can make you appreciate different pictures, containing that of fancy knolls, winding streams, Hindu sanctuaries, Buddhist religious communities, ice sheets and snow-topped mountains that appear to have come appropriate out of a fable.

Tourist Places in Manali

As a standout amongst the most popular goals for travelers in India, Manali has various attractions for visitors. Think about the absolute most went by spots of enthusiasm for Manali:

Hadimba Temple

It is additionally known by the name Dhundri sanctuary and it has been made out of stone and wood. This sanctuary was raised in 1553 as a characteristic of regard for Goddess Hadimba, who is specified in the Hindu epic Mahabharata as the spouse of Bhim, one of the Pandava siblings. The dividers of the Hadimba sanctuary are secured with dazzling woodcarvings. Creature penances are made in this sanctuary on the month of May and the penances are accomplished for the Dhungri Mela that continues for 3 days.

Buddhist Monasteries

A substantial number of Tibetans have their homes in Manali. Normally, you can run over a great deal of lovely Buddhist religious communities in this place. Gadhan Thekchoking Gompa Monastery is a standout amongst the most well known religious communities in this area. It is extremely prominent for being the home to the medium estimated Lord Buddha statue furthermore for its multi-hued divider artistic creations. The Himalayan Nyingamapa Gompa is another celebrated cloister that is notable for an immense statue of Lord Buddha. The statue has a brilliant face.

Rohtang Pass

It is situated at a stature of 13,050 feet over the ocean level. On the Manali-Keylong Street, it frames the most noteworthy point. This pass is open just from May through November as at different circumstances overwhelming snowfall makes section unthinkable through this course.

Solang Valley

It is an exceptionally prominent goal for skiing. In this valley, the greatest goal is without a doubt the 300 meter ski lift.

Old Manali

Old Manali is arranged 2.5 kilometers higher than the Mall and still figures out how to give you the sentiment a mountain town. It comprises of numerous old stone and wood homes. Other than these, you can likewise discover the Manu Maharishi Temple that is devoted to the organizer of Manali, Manu who has been said some time recently.

Nehru Kund

It is a new water spring that is arranged on the Manali-Keylong Street. The spring has been named after the principal Prime Minister of India — Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. It is for the most part said that he drank water from this stream at whatever point he came to Manali.

Local Culture of Manali

In Manali, the celebrations and culture mirror the one of a kind social and social way of life of the locals of the place. The rich genealogical legacy and customary legacy of the place discovers expression in its shifted culture. The legacy and legacy has saturated the present day time is still there in some shape or the other. The social characteristics of this region has not been changed or influenced by the fast industrialization in the district. The customary culture and estimations of the general public are still there in Manali.

Preceding the Dusshera celebration that is held in January, Winter Carnival is facilitated in Manali. Amid this Carnival, singing and moving rivalries are sorted out and nearby ability is shown through these. At the season of Dusshera celebration, the entire of Manali wears a bubbly look and exhibitions and plays praise the neighborhood divinities. At the season of celebrations, provincial fairs and weddings are sorted out in towns over the valley. Neighborhood handiworks, food and moves showcase nearby traditions and customs. You can visit the range as of now to absorb the specialties, sustenances and numerous outside exercises of Manali. Many travel and visit organizations sort out biking and trekking visits in the region that can help you investigate neighborhood markets, sanctuaries, galleries and that’s only the tip of the iceberg.

The marvelous valleys of Manali house different indigenous tribes in the zone. Different ethnic tribes possessing the region take after particular social traditions and social examples. The tribal group if Kinnaur is viewed as one of the principle nearby occupants of the valley. Kinnaur has an equalitarian culture which has faith in comparative work division between the guys and the females. Another essential tribe in the territory, the Gujjars, is generally known as the meandering tribe of the range.

Manali is well known for its indigenous move and society tunes and is honored with rich conventional specialties and craftsmanship from old days. The artists went with resonant and charming society melodies, rehearse the craftsmanship with awesome eagerness and exactness.

The indigenous tribal individuals of the district want to wear conventional pieces of clothing. These appealing and vivid garments are for the most part spun out of fleece and reflect nearby culture taking care of business.

The way of life, celebrations and individuals of Manali showcase the changed socio-social existence of the locale.

Best Time to Visit Manali

Manali has a to a great degree icy atmosphere, because of its area in the Himalayas. The snow line is not arranged to a long way from this area. Because of its elevation, Manali has a cool atmosphere that is cherished by everybody. While the winters can be to a great degree brutal, summers are cool. In the winter months, the snow line descends. With a considerable measure of snowfall in the zone, you require overwhelming woolens for survival. As an aftereffect of overwhelming precipitation amid the winter months, avalanches happen and disturb development. It is best to visit Manali from May to October. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you cherish snow, you may likewise visit the district amid the winter months.

The entire town of Manali is encompassed by green patches. The entire valley is known to give the best grand view in India, as indicated by a few sources. It is extremely prominent with trippers because of its lovely, virgin regular excellence. Manali, with its rich grand quality, draws in a ton of visitors from different parts of India and in addition from abroad every year.

Accommodation in Manali

Here is list of best luxury hotels in Manali at Swan Tours, Swan Tours — one of the best travel agents in Delhi.

1. Span Resorts & Spa Manali

2. Manu Allaya Manali

3. The Himalayan Manali

4. Apple Country Resort Manali

5. Tall Trees Resort Manali

6. Shingar Regency Manali

7. Highland Park Manali

8. Citrus Manali Resort Manali

Activities in Manali

Different daring games can be honed in Manali, because of the fluctuated geology of Himachal Pradesh. Trippers can partake in different brandishing occasions in the area. Probably the most famous games exercise in the region:


Manali offers energizing chances to go trekking and investigate its various marvels, for example, streams, timberlands, high mountains and valleys. It is the mission for opportunity and affection to investigate the obscure in nature that has pulled in individuals occasionally. Manali is home to wild, streams, springs, mountains, woodlands and a ton of normal attractions that can furnish you with extraordinary organization as you trek. It can furnish trekkers with a definitive delight and fulfillments. On the off chance that you are a nature significant other, you will love to encounter the delights that Manali has on offer for you.


All as the year progressed; Paragliding is sorted out at Solang Valley which is arranged 14 kilometers from the town of Manali and different territories, for example, Bijli Mahadev, Fatru and Marhi.


It can be sorted out at Solang Valley, which is arranged 14 kilometers far from Manali. In Rohtang, Gulaba, Dhundi and Marhi, paragliding is sorted out from March to the center of June in view of the state of the snow. You would require gloves, sun glasses, warm garments and woolen tops to survive the climate. You should be sufficiently fit to have the capacity to convey the hardware for skiing — which is (8 kgs) in any event — up the incline and to the skiing point.


The snow-clad streams of Himachal Pradesh offer a ton of chances for individuals who cherish rafting. You can go rafting in the waterways Satluj, Beas, Ravi and Chandrabhaga that offer various chances of whitewater rafting. You can have an extraordinary skiing occasion in the Solang Nallah valley. The frigid inclines in this place offer incredible attractions through skiing rivalries.


You can likewise go mountaineering in the locale of Manali. For travelers, the locale has stunning potential and it has numerous open doors for beginners. There is likewise a mountaineering establishment in Manali which is a well known base for skiing in winter and mountaineering and trekking in the months of summer. Trekking aficionado can get energizing courses in the nearby valleys over high passes. They can likewise get rest houses and visitor cabins to take rest in and absorb the magnificence of the place.



Nisha Parmar

A natural traveler Nisha Parmar has visited 48 countries in the world and still has plenty more. She is a travel blogger in Swan Tours -