Nisha Rajesh
3 min readMar 20, 2019

The Yin and Yang of Life

Sometimes some words just catch your eye and give you some food for thought. While looking for ways to energise our home I came across the words Yin and Yang. The symbol in itself caught my fancy. Two twirls one dark and the other light and then the opposite coloured dots on each side.

When I started googling it was all about balance in life. How there is no day without a preceding night and then a succeeding one too. Seasons complimenting each other. Without experiencing one we cannot enjoy the next and then start awaiting for the one gone by.

Another Quora answer was relating this to Push-Pull. Nothing new that we don’t know. That the world is in motion always. How we have to strike a fine balance in life. To work enough to support your life style but then also to invest your time in things we love to do. Never Ever to lose sight of the purpose of why we are working.

To me this symbol strikes as one of harmony between today and tomorrow. Nature takes care of it all. Just leave it untouched.

The tree which is luscious green today will die tomorrow and from what we consider as dead and gone, will sprout some mushrooms and life will spring again.

The dying tree- mushroom example made me rummage through my phone gallery and I found quite a few pictures which are a beautiful explanation of this ubiquitous symbol of Yin-Yang.

Mushrooms in the various national parks that I have been to, with Rajesh. He getting the feel of one in the 2nd picture.

Mushrooms clinging to a dying tree in my friend Param’s garden.

This picture of a moth sitting in my school garden made me question myself. I can only see the Yin in it. The moth with the torn wing but still flying from one flower to another on a bright sunny day. Blessing me with the perfect moment to go click click click. Please don’t show me the Yang (bad) as there can be none with so much of Yin (good) around.

My dream painting of Yin Yang