Nisha Sreedharan
2 min readAug 20, 2020

Why doesn’t he ever look back ….

Why doesn’t he ever look back… when he drops me off and I stand there soaking him in ..taking him all in…clicking my mental picture of him..just so that I never forget every little detail about him… watching quietly, hoping he would turn around just once!…

Why doesn’t he ever look back…

When I sit behind him on the bike … watching him secretly on the rear view mirror … when I hold him a justtt a little tighter than I need to…. when every part of me is screaming , begging to never let that moment end..let it last for just a little while ..

Why doesn’t he look back …

When I cuddle up with him …when all I see in the dark are his long deep eyes .. when he turns away .. sleepily ,groggily puts his arm on me .. I want to stop him from ever moving even an inch away from me! .. how can I tell him … that I am afraid to sleep.. because I don’t want to wake up and find that it was all a dream… how can I ever tell him that I can live my life in my dream with him …

Why doesn’t he ever look back..

When he is packing and all the reality of him finally going away hits me a lot harder than I thought it would …

When the dread of not being able to see him everyday starts to settle in , I feel like I am trying to breathe underwater.. there’s this paralysis which I can’t shake off …how can he pack so casually.. without ever looking back…

Why doesn’t he ever look back … as I stand at the airport… when he turns to leave and a tear drops from my eye and falls into the emptiness called the ground.. when I go so weak that I can’t stand properly… when tears cloud the eye and I can’t see clearly … he just walks on … his new world …his new life .. and I live on … with just his memories …

Why doesn’t he ever look back …

Nisha Sreedharan

Decent Programmer. Great Data Engineer. Lazy Traveller. Hardworking Sleeper. Reluctant Reader.