Rethinking delivery feedback: Why emoji beats the kiss and heart

nishtha vishwakarma
3 min readDec 26, 2023


In the digital age, feedback mechanisms are essential for improving the quality of services. When it comes to food delivery or any delivery service, the feedback provided by customers helps companies understand what they’re doing right and where they can improve. Traditionally, this feedback has been represented by stars, hearts, and even kisses to show how much you appreciate the service. But have you ever stopped to think about how these symbols may not always convey the intended message, especially in diverse cultural contexts like India?

Kiss and hearts: Cultural conundrum
In many parts of the world, a kiss and a heart are universally recognized symbols of affection and appreciation. However, in the context of food delivery and customer feedback, these symbols may not always align with the cultural norms and values of every customer.
Take India, for example, where cultural norms and traditions vary significantly from western countries. In Indian culture, the meaning of a kiss is vastly different from the western interpretation. A kiss in India typically denotes romantic or intimate affection and isn’t something you’d typically give to a stranger, like a delivery partner. Using such symbols for a service that is essentially transactional and not personal can feel strange and even inappropriate.

Emoji: A universally understood language
This is where emojis come to the rescue. Emojis are a universally understood form of expression in the digital world. They transcend language barriers and cultural differences, making them a more suitable option for conveying feedback to a diverse group of service providers, including delivery partners.
Using emojis for feedback provides a more neutral and universal way to express your satisfaction with a delivery. Here are a few reasons why emojis are a better fit for feedback:

  1. Clarity: Emojis are clear and straightforward. you can use a thumbs-up, smiley face, or any other positive emoji to convey your satisfaction without the potential confusion of a kiss or heart symbol.
  2. Cultural sensitivity: Emojis are less likely to be misinterpreted in different cultural contexts. they don’t carry the same baggage as romantic symbols like kisses and hearts.
  3. Consistency: Emojis offer consistency across the board. a smiley emoji means the same thing to people from different cultural backgrounds.
  4. Inclusivity: Emojis are more inclusive and can be used by people of all ages and backgrounds.

While stars, kisses, and hearts may work for expressing appreciation in many contexts, they may not always be the most suitable symbols for providing feedback to a delivery partner, especially in culturally diverse countries like India. Emojis offer a more universally understood and culturally sensitive means of expressing satisfaction and appreciation. So the next time you’re happy with your delivery, consider sending a smiley or thumbs-up emoji to your delivery partner — it’s a small change that can make a big difference in creating a more inclusive and respectful feedback experience for everyone.

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nishtha vishwakarma

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