Eobot.com — trusted cloud mining service

Nishuthan Raveenthiran
3 min readMar 28, 2017


Hello, this article is complete review dedicated to one of the first cloud mining services ever made — Eobot. I will talk about such questions as: “How to work with Eobot”, “Is it profitable to invest in Eobot”, “What mining powers are best to buy on Eobot” and so on.
First of all I wanna mention that Eobot is one of the few reliable cloud mining services. Eobot have it’s own mining hardware for SHA-256 alghoritm and proved it many times already. Also Eobot working and paying from 2013 so you can be sure this service is reliable and will work for years.

How to work with Eobot?

First of all you have to deposit some money on your account, then you can buy mining powers with this money and start mining by choosing the currency you want to mine.

All the options you need located in the bottom side of your dashboard:

Can I work with Eobot without investment?

Yes, you can. Eobot gives free bonuses every day! You will receive 1 DogeCoin every day just for logging in and also you can receive pretty big bonus in “Faucet” section.
You simply need to solve captch to recieve a bonus. This bonus gonna be received in the cryptocurrency you currently mine.
Useful Tip: you can mine GHS — that means you can also receive GHS bonus and that’s how you can start mining on Eobot for free!

What mining powers are best to buy on Eobot?

There are few different mining powers on Eobot:
1) GHS 4.0 — latest and best, but also most expensive mining powers atm.
2) GHS 3.0 — outdated mining powers that gonna be inefficient soon. But their cost super low.
3) Cloud Folding — charity mining powers. Profit from these mining powers very low.
4) Cloud SETI — these mining powers looking for UFO. Profit from these mining powers very low.

Many people asking what’s better GHS 3.0 or GHS 4.0? I guess now you can see that it’s pointless to buy any mining powers except GHS 4.0. If you reading this article in the future, may be there is already GHS 5.0 or 6.0 or even more, all you need to know — buying latest version of mining powers on Eobot is always the best decision.

Is it profitable to invest in Eobot?

Unfortunately — no. Even latest mining powers (GHS 4.0 atm) gives pretty low profit — now this nubmer is about 45% yearly and what is the worst this number constantly lowers, because of BitCoin’s difficulty grow! That’s why there is a huge chance that you won’t even get back the money you invested in Eobot.

The problem is Eobot do not produce mining hardware itself, but just reselling it with a giant surcharge. Because of that it’s almost impossible to get any profit from Eobot, I recommend you to pay attention to other cloud mining services such as HashFlare.

Should I try to work with Eobot?

I think yes. As I told before — Eobot isn’t profitable, but anyway it’s really good cloud mining service that can help you to start you journey in the world of cryptocurrency — just don’t look at Eobot as a serious investment company, take it as a game — you may invest here may be $1–2 just to play, or you may work without any investment just with bonuses!

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