We are not friends anymore

Nisma Hasan
2 min readSep 9, 2022


Every relation in the world, your mother, father, brother, sister and all the relatives you had are fixed by God.

Friends are the only one whom we choose for us. No fear of judgements, no pretending a fake personality, no guilt of showing craziness in front of them and the list goes on.

So how you can identify a real friend ?

There is no standard bar or something on which you can measure the level of friendship. But it’s the little things that matters.

Our first outing

I met a girl in my college and in no time she became my closest friend. She was very proud of herself no matter what, that’s the thing which clicked me the most.

Usually whenever we shared our feelings, mostly I was the one listening to her. She had this style of talking which intimidated others sitting around us also. Her conversation was always an interesting one as it always ended up laughing our heart out. I always loved being a listener to her no matter it’s about her relationships, parents, goals, future.

Happy moments

The problem started occurring when I was also ready to tell her about my life. Whenever I tried to tell her a problem, she just hear for few seconds and instantly relate that problem to her life, and the conversation goes on……

That day I realized I was only playing a part of a listener back these months.

Do you think a real friend only talks but never listens to your problem ??

It’s a BIG NO from my side.

Your real friend is your biggest support system. She will even listens you at 3am and no matter how much you deliver lectures to correct them, they will never make an issue of EGO and will genuinely work upon themselves to improve.

Last time when we were together

It’s been a year and more, we haven’t talked to each other.

Yes we cannot be friends anymore but I miss her sometimes.

From my heart I wish her all the happiness of life and success.

I will always cherish moments and the memories we have made.



Nisma Hasan

Freelance content writer and copywriting |Expert in biology and medical field| Motivate writers| Deeply in love with digital skills.