Digitalbits Network The Best Project 2019

Reka nis
3 min readMar 11, 2019


Digital Bits is a network of speed internet access or data transfer through internet access on a computer. The Bit Digital Network itself is a collection of Digital Bit cores run by various individuals around the world. In addition they can choose to have a border server in accessing the Digital Bits network. The nature of network distribution is reliable and safe.

On the Bits Digital network there is a Bride Server that is designed to support applications in making transactions easily on the Digital Bits network. With this server allows users of this application in terms of compliance to send and receive payments. When the sender makes a transaction, the sender of the client will contact the server to start the transaction, if the sender is required the client will connect the federation server from the recipient, if all have been verified the transaction will be completed successfully. All transactions carried out, it will be recorded in the Digital Bits network. The Bride server at the side of the recipient will periodically monitor the Digital Bits network and see the transactions that have been carried out.

With the existence of the Digital Bits network by using Server Bride, then all transactions carried out will be safe. Because all traces of the results of the transfer will be recorded by the Digital Bits network. And the movements carried out by both the sender and the recipient must first verify, then everything that is done gets results.

Digital comes from the word Digitus in Greek means fingers, when we count the fingers of an adult it amounts to 10. Value 10 consists of 2 radix namely 1 and 0, therefore Digital is a representation of a state of numbers consisting of numbers 0 and 1. All computer systems that use digital systems as databases are also called Bit.

In the world of digital electronics, especially in digital storage media and data transfer rates in digital communications. We often find the terms Bit and Bytes. Examples we often encounter on storage media such as hard disk or flashdisk, where there will be 8GB, 16GB, 100GB and even 500 GB, the GB is meant is Gigabyte. Whereas in data transfer or speed on internet access which is often referred to reach 2 Mbps, 10 Mbps and 42 Mbps. Mbps in data transfer or internet access speed is Mega Bit Per Second. So based on the explanation above, is it not clear the difference between Bits and Bytes. Bit is an abbreviation of Binary Digit, which is the smallest unit of data in digital computing which basically consists of one binary digit can be a value of 0 or 1. Whereas Bytes are a collection of 8 digits that are made together, one byte is often used for states the capacity of a storage such as KB (Kilobytes), MB (Megabytes), GB (Gigabyte) and so forth.

In the era of modern times like today, the digital world is very much needed especially with all the internet, the speed of internet access is very much needed both for transferring data and for downloading, where internet data access uses units of bits per second. So this Digital Bit has special features, namely:

  1. Able to send information at high speed
  2. Repeated use of information does not affect the quality or quantity of information itself
  3. Information can be easily processed and modified in various forms
  4. Can process large amounts of information and send it interactively

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