The Role of Astra in Promoting the Natural Tourism Sector

Reka nis
3 min readNov 19, 2019


Vacationing is a very fun activity, therefore it is not uncommon for someone to hire the services of a tour guide or to empower an application for a tourist destination service to further enhance their free time. We realize that each human has a different frequency of productivity, but what determines the amount of income from a productivity that is done is dependent on how good the ability he has. Therefore, with daily life that is always filled with all kinds of productivity, it is appropriate for us to also balance it with psychological needs that can refresh the eyes and soul, such as holidays. Therefore, Astra is currently present as a Blockchain technology application that is able to provide travel destinations throughout the world or to the places you want.

It should be noted that Astra runs its operations like a social media, where users are required to create an account. In this account users will be able to share various interesting content such as photos and videos of their holidays, for example if you visit exotic and tropical places that are beautiful and beautiful. In addition, the content produced and shared can be monetized if there are a lot of positive responses from other users, which is indicated by other users by giving positive comments or just giving a “like”. Therefore users who are visiting a place can also further enhance their photography skills in taking various natural panoramas and amazing holiday moments. This certainly brings a different impression for each user, which usually these moments are only stored in a memory or only displayed in a glass cabinet, but with various advanced technological developments visualized by Astra, these moments can be became the main field to get the coffers of money. Therefore this income can also be used to add vacation packages or visit other interesting places.

Although it has similarities with various other social media networks, Astra can classify itself as a social media that only shares a variety of content related to natural tourist destinations. This is certainly done to bring a different impression and also to further refresh the eyes of users from all the fatigue there are problems.

Basically, nature has a variety of miracles that will never run out to be explored, even the time we use for a lifetime will never run out if we use it. Therefore, what we can do is to develop tourism assets, which can be done with various technological transformations. As we know that a good platform is a platform that is able to bring a positive domino effect to various aspects of life, both social, cultural, economic and others. Therefore, with the various contents shared by Astra, surely it can be even more interesting for everyone’s knowledge about beauty or wonders that are still stored in the world. Did you know that if people used to prefer coming to big cities, now many of them prefer to go to small villages that are still very attached and close to the pure natural atmosphere. Therefore indirectly if the moment in the countryside is shared throughout the world, it is not impossible if this can also help the village in improving its infrastructure.

In addition to providing services like social media, Astra also provides travel services such as providing tickets, lodging, restaurants, and various tickets to watch shows or other interesting events. As a platform that provides these services, of course we can call Astra as a company engaged in trading services. This is because they promote the product, without changing the contents or content of the product, for example if it displays a hotel with pictures that are equipped with existing specifications. Therefore, in this case Astra we can also call a platform that becomes the main intermediary between visitors and public service companies.

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