How to Identify Trans Women

A Trans Positive Manifesto

Nissa Mitchell
6 min readDec 29, 2017

So, you’re out and about, right? Maybe you’re at the gym. And, like any normal person, you’re looking around at the people on the machines around you. After all, you have to do something during the commercials that play every two minutes throughout the Friends reruns you’re watching on TBS. So why not take in the scenery?

Anyway, you’re looking around, waiting for Friends to come back on. Maybe you’re waiting for Monica to say something smart, or for Chandler to get made fun of for being too sensitive, or for Joey to act like a human Labrador Retriever, or for Phoebe to be sensitive and new-agey, or for Ross to be an insufferable turd, or for Rachel to be cute and flirty. Whatever. It doesn’t matter. Because, as you look around, you can’t help but wonder, “Are there any transgender women here?” And then, a moment later, you’re hit by the anxiety that comes from the realization that there very well might be trans women around, and you have no way of knowing.

Photo by Martin Barák on Unsplash

Well, take heart my friend. Because while in the past you had to just sit down and let the existential dread of never knowing if the woman next to you at the gym is trans overwhelm you, that’s about to change. After having been an active instrument of the Trans Agendafor a couple years now, I’ve decided to forgo the general rules of decorum among…

