Cypress VS Selenium

Nistha Jain
2 min readJan 24, 2022


Hi Everyone,

I am Nistha working in Test Automation since 4+ years now. During my work I have come across multiple test tools and currently working on Cypress so lets discuss how you can start your own journey with Cypress.

It depends on your project requirement although I am using Cypress since last year and I can say Cypress is good responsive fast tool but it is still new so some open issues are there.

Selenium disadvantage in one word is “Time” and Cypress Advantage in one word is “Fast”

⚠ When I used to work on selenium I faced lot of problems:

  1. Lot of programming skills required.
  2. Its flaky.
  3. lake of a grid framework.
  4. It supports web based application only.
  5. Difficult to use,
  6. Limited support for Image testing.
  7. No test tool integration for test management.
  8. No built-in reporting facility.
  9. No community support.

✅ Reasons why I am using Cypress:

  1. It is easy to set up the Cypress Framework.
  2. Cypress is super impressive where you can change code and execute the same on the fly.
  3. It supports parallel test execution.
  4. It provide dashboard support for detailed reporting.
  5. There is no need for driver binaries in Cypress and execution happens on the real browser.
  6. Cypress is easy to learn and use which makes it a perfect E2E testing tool for beginners.
  7. Cypress is based on JavaScript end-to-end testing framework that doesn’t use selenium at all.
  8. It is built on top of Mocha, which is again a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on and in the browser, making asynchronous testing simple and fun.
  9. You can time travel back to the point when the test failed to debug it easily since Cypress takes snapshots of the DOM tree at every test step.
  10. As Selenium, Cypress doesn’t have as many architectural layers.
  11. Cypress basically lives inside Chrome just like Chrome DevTools

💹 Conclusion:

When it comes to debating Cypress vs. Selenium, I recommend that teams start exploring Cypress to see if it can complement their existing Selenium/Protractor scripts and grow their overall test coverage and stability.

Hopefully you would get a clarity now.

To know more about what is Cypress you can follow below link & online resources -

Happy Learning!!



Nistha Jain

Quality Assurance Software Engineer with 4+ years of experience in Software testing field. I am here to share my knowledge 😊