How to Hire in Data

Andrei Nita
2 min readJan 16, 2023

🚀 Hiring in Data doesn’t have to be difficult 🚀

In today’s fast-paced Data world, time is of the essence⏱

Hiring talent in Data is crucial for any Data-led business, but it is often bogged down by long and drawn-out processes, multiple interview stages, take-home tests, and lack of feedback.

This not only wastes time but also hinders the ability to secure candidates.🤔

The time to streamline is now ⏱

Here are some top tips you can try right away to make your hiring process more efficient and effective:

âś… Remove one or more non-essential stages: Consider eliminating stages of the hiring process that are not essential to the evaluation of a candidate. This can save time and make the process more efficient.

✅ Ensure the end-to-end process is 1–2 weeks: Set a realistic timeline for the entire hiring process, from the initial job posting to the final decision. This will help you stay on track and make sure you are not wasting time on candidates who are not a good fit.

✅ Eliminate take-home tests in favor of live coding sessions: Instead of having candidates complete take-home tests, consider conducting live coding sessions during the interview process. This will give you a better sense of the candidate’s skills and how they approach problem-solving in real-time.

âś… Provide feedback as soon as possible: Providing feedback to candidates throughout the hiring process can be beneficial to both the candidate and the company. Candidates appreciate feedback and it can help them to improve their skills and performance. For the company, it can help to identify areas where the hiring process can be improved.

âś… Create a positive and inclusive hiring culture. This can be achieved by creating a diverse hiring team and by regularly communicating with candidates throughout the process.

In summary, hiring in data doesn’t have to be difficult.

By streamlining your hiring process and providing regular feedback, you can not only secure the best talent but also make the process more efficient and time-saving. 🚀



Andrei Nita

Senior Data leader sharing insights to empower others. Using data to drive change in recruitment and hiring.