Crimes Against Women-India 2021

Nita Nagdewate
4 min readAug 24, 2023


The highest number of incidences are in the category of “Cruelty by Husband or his Relatives.”

Image Source: AI Image Generator Canva

What does data say?

The data for crimes against women is available at

Data into action.

In this article, we are diving into data related to the female population in India for 2021.

I . Crime rate in different States of India

Crimes against women in different states of India for the year 2021


In this article, we are analyzing the recent dataset from the National Crime Record Bureau of India.

There are 28 states and 8 Union Territories in India (definition).

This particular data comes from (source).


The bar chart is used as the data contains the categories stated here. Ordering the bars or rectangles helps to see which states have the highest and lowest rates.

The top five states with the highest rate of crimes against women are Assam, Delhi, Odisha, Haryana, and Telangana. The lowest rate of crime is in the state of Nagaland.

The crime rate is calculated per 1 lakh women population. The rate is a number that is clear once it shows a real-world scenario. We will analyze the rate in Delhi. This link gives us some population numbers that can be used to calculate the number of crimes happening right now. For that, we need the current women population in the year 2021. As my search is in vain, I will calculate it manually.

Here is the process.

The above data link shows the actual population of Delhi in the year 2011 was 16,787,941, and the women population was 7,800,615. The estimated population chart shows the current total population is 31,181,000. The total population of Delhi has almost doubled in the last ten years. Let's use the same logic to get the women population. If the women population is doubled, we will get approximately 156,01,230 as the population of women in 2021. The rate shows 147 crimes per 1,00,000 women, which gives us 22,932 crimes per 156,01,230 total population of women in the year 2021. For 2021, there were 22,932 crimes.

If we calculate further for Delhi,

per month, 1900 crimes and per day, 63 crimes are happening in one of the most populous places in India.

(Note: I have used the numbers available online. My numbers and calculations could be fixed. Comments are welcomed.)

II. Crime rate for Metropolitan Cities in India year 2021.


The highest rate of crime is in the city of Gwalior. The number of crimes against women is approximately 241 per 100,000 women population. This city comes in the state of Madhya Pradesh. Interestingly, as seen in the previous bar chart for different states, Madhya Pradesh does not come in the top five highest rates of crimes against women. But this state has a city of Gwalior with the highest rate in the country.

The lowest crime is in Tiruchirappalli, which is in Tamil Nadu.

III. Chargesheet Rate Statewise

The Bar Chart shows different rates for chargesheet from the Lowest rate on the top to the lowest on the bottom.

The top five states with the lowest chargesheet rate are Manipur, Delhi, Meghalaya, Assam, and Arunachal Pradesh. Comparing this chart with the first chart shows that Delhi and Assam have the highest crime rates in the women category and generally have the lowest rate of chargesheet.

IV. Crime Rate Verses Chargesheet Rate for different states

This scatter plot is an interactive data visualization. For an interactive experience, click on the following link.

Interactive data visualization in Vizhub.

Scatter plot comparing Crime Rate against and chargesheet rate per state

With a scatter plot, two different variables can be compared. In this case, the charge sheet and crime rates against women are two variables. Where the chargesheet rate is in percentage. The plot shows that the two variables are mostly inversely proportional, with several outliers. That means the lower the chargesheet rate, the higher the crime rate.

To see the details, please follow the link here: Interactive Viz.

We can see from the Interactive Viz that Manipur state has the lowest crime rate and chargesheet rate. Assam's crime rate is highest, while the chargesheet rate is lower than average.

V. Number of incidences of crimes against women in different categories

Bar Chart: Crime Head Wise

The above bar chart shows India's total number of crimes against women for different categories in 2021.

The highest number of incidences are in the category of "Cruelty by Husband or his Relatives."

Word of Caution

Word of Caution By NCRB India


This data visualization is created with D3 and React.


The data was published in NCRB in 2021, but the year the data was collected is 2017.

