Completely Uninstall and Install RubyMine

Nitanshu Verma
1 min readJan 3, 2019


To completely uninstall RubyMine follow these steps:

locate RubyMine

It will list all the places where RubyMine is installed this may vary from system to system please check and then remove it but generally the files are in these places. Here USERNAME refers to your system username and VERSION is your RubyMine Version.

sudo rm -rf /home/USERNAME/.java/.userPrefs/jetbrainssudo rm -rf /home/USERNAME/RubyMine-VERSION/sudo rm -rf /home/USERNAME/.local/share/applications/jetbrains-rubymine.desktopsudo rm -rf /home/USERNAME/.local/share/icons/jetbrains-rubymine.png

After this locate intelliJ using

locate intelliJ

which will give you all the places where intellij stored their data and its database

sudo rm -rf /home/USERNAME/.RubyMine-VERSION/


Download RubyMine-VERSION.tar.gz and cd to the folder

tar -xzvf RubyMine-Version.tar.gz
cd RubyMine-VERSION/bin

Now lock it to launcher and then restart it.

