Ava testnet validator on Raspberry Pi

2 min readMay 7, 2020


I have been wanting to become an active member of the blockchain community for some time but never got to it. Lucky me I got the push I needed when I came across the AVA Labs project and since it is in testnet stage I thought “It is now or never”.

Thanks to this great tutorial I set up a validator in a PC, unfortunately running the validator interfered with my kid’s school activities (they use Windows). Fortunately, I have a raspberry pi 3b+ which I rarely use so I now have the validator running in it and my kids can send their homework on time!

Important things to consider if you want to set up a validator un a Raspberry.

  • Gecko doesn’t run on Raspbian, Install Ubuntu Mate 18.04.
  • You must select the correct version of Golang. If you install it directly from cml you will get version 1.11(1.13.X needed). Go to the website and look for the version compatible with the ARMv8 processor.
  • If you have the Raspberry Pi 4 with 4GB of RAM you should have no issues. The Raspberry that I own only has 1GB of RAM I have issues running the script /build.sh. To solve this, I used a USB stick as swap. I only mounted it while the build script was running and then unmounted.
  • During the installation I only had the terminal window and a text file open where I copied and pasted all the commands needed because when I had the web browser open the system was very laggy.

At the moment I´m running the validator and the RAM and processor usage seem to be running well.

I hope this is helpful, lets keep building the environment!

