How to get Gasoline out of Carpet?

Nithana Nguyen
5 min readNov 18, 2019


Gasoline and oil are quite stubborn stains. If accidentally caught on fabric, clothing or carpet, it will be difficult to remove because of its chemical properties. If you accidentally spill gasoline or oil on the carpet, you need to start solving the stain immediately or else the stain will stick to the carpet and cannot be removed. This will make your carpet lose the beauty and bring an unpleasant scent to your home.

So, how to get gasoline out of carpet?

1. Remove gasoline stains from the carpet

There are several solutions that you can use to remove stubborn gasoline stains from the carpet:

Shampoo and clean water

Use a large amount of shampoo and clean water to fix the spots. With small stains, shampoo and water can “kill” this obnoxious stain. But if the gasoline sticks to a large area, even when you wash the carpet, the gasoline may remain.

  1. Dissolve a little shampoo in water and stir until the mixture has foam.
  2. Dip a brush into the mixture and start using the dipped brush to scrub the spot on the carpet.
  3. After about 2 minutes of scrubbing the carpet with this solution, the stain will disappear and look like new.

Coffee blends

Another tip many homeowners often use is using a blend of ground coffee.

  1. Pour a blend of ground coffee on the trail.
  2. Leave it on for a week or longer.
  3. You can cover it with old newspapers and tape it up.
  4. After a week, use a vacuum to remove all the coffee.
  5. Use a damp cloth to wipe away any leftover coffee, your carpet will return to its original state.

The reason is that coffee is capable of absorbing tough stains, not just gasoline. You do not need to buy expensive coffee because even the cheapest brand is still effective, they help clean the stains on the carpet and are not harmful to your health.

Baking soda

You can also use baking soda powder to eliminate the stain.

  1. Use with a large amount of baking soda.
  2. Sprinkle some baking soda powder on the sticky stain
  3. Leave it on overnight.
  4. The next day, use a broom to scrub the stain off.
  5. Use a vacuum cleaner to vacuum (if needed), the gasoline will disappear.

Dishwashing liquid

And since gasoline is a greasy product (just like cooking oil), you can try to use dishwashing liquid. This liquid contains a chemical composition that helps decompose oil and helps deodorize gasoline very well.

  1. Pour the dishwashing liquid directly on the stain.
  2. Wait for a while and then rub the stain with clean water.
  3. Use tissues to absorb water and wait for the carpet to dry, the stain will disappear.

Apple vinegar

This is an easy tip with apple cider vinegar and aerosol sprays.

  1. Put apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle.
  2. Spray it on the carpet as well as nearby areas.
  3. Leave it overnight.
  4. The next day, scrub the stain with clean water.
  5. Wait for the carpet to dry, the stain will disappear.

Although this trick may seem simple, it works well.

In case you are a busy housewife and do not believe in folk tricks, you can buy specialized products to clean the carpet. Be sure to read the user manual before spraying the cleaning solution to the carpet. Look closely at the type of material that can be used and whether it leaves any streaks.

2. Completely remove the smell of gasoline from the carpet

There are many simple methods you can use to get rid of the smell of gasoline and make your home have a more pleasant scent.


Some cinnamon-scented deodorants are very helpful for removing gasoline smells. It can almost immediately dispel unpleasant gasoline smell and after a few times of use, you will no longer smell gasoline in your carpet. All you have to do is buy the deodorant at the supermarket and spray it on the carpet.

Lemon and lemongrass mixture

Lemons are acid fruits, which have a high deodorizing property. It is often used by chefs in tasting the food. With lemon and lemongrass mixture, the smell of gasoline in the carpet will evaporate quickly in 1–2 hours.

To use this combination:

  1. Mix 150ml of lemon juice with citronella oil (or you can slice lemongrass and drop it into the lemonade).
  2. Pour the mixture into a mist sprayer.
  3. Spray it onto the spot where gasoline is smelled.

Whenever you recognize the bad smells in the house, you can spray it out, it will be very handy and effective immediately.

Cat litter

Cat litter (often sold at pet stores) is often used to remove the smell of cat litter, which is harder to smell than the gasoline. With available herbs and aromatherapy inside, cat litter will eliminate the unpleasant smell that is haunting the carpet.

  1. Pour sand onto the area where the carpet smells.
  2. Leave it overnight.
  3. Vacuum the stain and wipe off with water.

You should use organic or clay-sanitized sand instead of expensive, glass-free sanitary sand because the organic sand is more effective in deodorizing.

Pandan leaves

Using pandan leaves to deodorize is an effective way to treat the smell of gasoline that haunt your carpet. Taking advantage of the ability to spread the aroma from pandan leaves, the smell of gasoline will gradually be drowned out to replace the fragrant smell.

To use this method:

  1. Buy pandan leaves from the market, and place it in a newspaper.
  2. Put it on the carpet.
  3. Pay attention and change the pandan leaves when the leaves are wilted or moldy to avoid causing an unpleasant smell.


Besides using pandan leaves, scented candles or deodorant essential oils can deodorize gasoline on your carpet. It should be noted that if the smell is too heavy, using this method will most likely be counterproductive because the mechanism that overwhelms the smell will easily blend the two scents and make the discomfort feeling even worse.

Besides, do not forget to comply with fire protection laws, lighting candles is easy to cause a fire because the interior is very flammable. Use a plastic or stainless steel tray to hold the candles.

However, the most common method is to create a ventilation environment. Please open the windows at least within 3 hours.

Also, keep in mind that not all carpets are made of the same material, so don’t apply these methods without digging and testing (if needed) on a small surface of the carpet.

If you are cautious and have an abundance of economy, look for a service agent to help you “beat” the smell of obnoxious gasoline.

