Schematic Representation of the Process

Predicting Job Titles, Skills, and Recommending Online Courses with Machine Learning

Nitin Mali
3 min readJan 4, 2024



In today’s fast-paced world, having the right skills and finding the right job can be a challenging task. With the advancements in machine learning, we can now leverage the power of data to predict job titles, identify required skills, and even recommend relevant online courses to bridge the skill gap. In this article, we will explore a Python script that utilizes machine learning models to achieve these tasks. Let’s dive in!

Section 1: Preparing the Environment

Before we jump into the code, let’s set up our environment by installing the necessary libraries and modules. We will need pandas, TensorFlow, and transformers libraries for data manipulation, deep learning, and natural language processing tasks.

Section 2: Job Prediction Model

To predict job titles, we will use a deep learning model that consists of an encoder and a decoder. The encoder model encodes the input sequence, and the decoder model generates the output job title. We will also need a tokenizer to process the text data.

The code snippet provided defines a class called loadjobModels that handles loading the job prediction models and tokenizer. The load_m method loads the models and tokenizer from their respective files. The decode_sequence_job method decodes the input sequence and generates the output job title using the loaded models and tokenizer.

Section 3: Skills Prediction Model

To predict skills, we will again use a deep learning model with an encoder and a decoder. Similar to the job prediction model, we need to load the models and tokenizer for skills prediction. The loadskillsModels class handles loading the models and tokenizer, while the decode_sequence_skills method decodes the input sequence and generates the output skills.

Section 4: Text Preprocessing and Embeddings

Before applying the models, we need to preprocess the text data and convert it into numerical embeddings. In our code, we use the BERT model for text encoding. The get_embedding function preprocesses the text and generates embeddings using the BERT model. The batch_encode function batches the text data and generates embeddings in batches for efficiency.

Section 5: Job Prediction

Now that we have our job prediction model and text embeddings, we can predict the next job title based on the user’s current job and skills. The predict_job function takes a user dataframe as input, generates the embeddings for the text columns, and predicts the next job title using the job prediction model.

Section 6: Skills Prediction

Similarly, we can use the skills prediction model to predict the next set of skills based on the user’s current job and skills. The predict_skills function takes a user dataframe as input, generates the embeddings for the text columns, and predicts the next set of skills using the skills prediction model.

Section 7: Course Recommendation

To recommend relevant online courses, we calculate the similarity between the user’s predicted skills and the courses’ descriptions. The course_metrics class provides methods for calculating course scores and selecting relevant courses. The calculate_course_score method calculates the score of a course based on skill match, popularity, and rating. The calculate_similarity_score method calculates the cosine similarity between the skill gap and course descriptions. Finally, the select_relevant_course method selects the top course based on the calculated scores and similarity.

Section 8: Putting It All Together

In the main function, we bring all the pieces together. We load the necessary datasets, iterate the job and skills prediction until we reach the final job or a maximum number of iterations. We then call the course recommendation function to predict relevant courses based on the predicted skills. The results are stored in a dataframe and returned as the output of the script.


In this article, we explored a Python script that utilizes machine learning models to predict job titles, identify required skills, and recommend relevant online courses. By leveraging the power of data and deep learning, we can empower individuals in their career journey. Whether you’re an aspiring professional or looking to make a career transition, these predictive models can provide valuable insights and guidance. So, go ahead and give it a try! Happy coding and learning!


This project wouldn’t have been possible without the contributions of various open-source libraries and datasets. We would like to thank the developers and contributors of pandas, TensorFlow, transformers, and other related libraries for making their work available to the community.


  1. Full Code:
  2. Pandas Documentation.
  3. TensorFlow Documentation.
  4. Transformers Documentation.


