Unlocking the Power of Skill Visualization in Recruitment: A Sankey Diagram Approach

Nitin Mali
2 min readJan 10, 2024


Recruitment is an art finely tuned to the science of skill assessment. In the ever-evolving tech landscape, recruiters face the challenge of matching the multifaceted expertise of candidates to the dynamic needs of industry roles. This is where advanced visualization tools like Sankey diagrams come into play, transforming the recruitment process into a more data-driven, insightful endeavor.

The Sankey diagram above, intricately woven into the fabric of my professional portfolio at mroneai.com, offers a panoramic view of my career’s skill trajectory. Here’s a breakdown of what this visualization encapsulates and how it can be a game-changer for recruiters:

Visual Storytelling of Professional Growth

The diagram charts a course through the professional landscape, illustrating the progressive development of skills acquired from one role to the next. It provides a storytelling canvas that narrates a candidate’s journey through various domains, skills, and competencies.

High-Level Skill Categorization

The horizontal bands represent different companies, colored uniquely to distinguish each tenure. Flowing from these are streams that converge into skill categories, showcasing areas of expertise such as Analytics, Machine Learning, and Business Strategy. This categorization allows recruiters to quickly assess a candidate’s areas of proficiency and how they’ve been applied across different job roles.

Detailed Skill Insights

On the far right, the streams bifurcate into specific skills, offering a granular view of the candidate’s abilities. From ‘Data Storytelling’ to ‘Gen AI and NLP’, each skill is a testament to tasks performed, challenges overcome, and knowledge applied. Recruiters can delve into the specifics, understanding not just the what, but the how and why of a candidate’s skill set.

Benefits for Recruiters

  • Efficiency: At a glance, recruiters can map a candidate’s skill set against job requirements, saving time and resources in the selection process.
  • Precision: The detailed breakdown helps pinpoint the exact fit for specialized roles, ensuring that the right talent is considered for the right position.
  • Dynamism: It reflects a candidate’s adaptability and learning curve, essential qualities in the fast-paced tech industry.

Behind the Diagram

For enthusiasts and fellow data scientists interested in the mechanics of this visualization, the detailed code is hosted on my GitHub profile. The diagram was crafted using Plotly’s robust visualization capabilities, integrated within a Streamlit application to create an interactive, user-friendly experience.

Final Thoughts

This Sankey diagram is more than just a visual treat; it’s a bridge connecting the dots of professional experience to potential opportunities. For recruiters, it’s a lens focusing on the essence of a candidate’s professional narrative, ensuring a symbiotic match between talent and enterprise.

To explore this visualization and for a detailed understanding of the skills mentioned, please visit the ‘WORK EXPERIENCE’ tab at mroneai.com.

