Exploring YogaSutras : Nano Devices for Yoga

Nitish Reddy
2 min readOct 3, 2020

One of the practices in my Yoga Routine is “Anulom-Vilom”. For uninitiated and lazy readers who are not interested in checking the link video, this is text book definition of Anulom-Vilom

It is a specific type of controlled breathing (pranayama) in the practice of yoga. It involves holding one nostril closed while inhaling, then holding the other nostril closed while exhaling. The process is then reversed and repeated.

In my routine, I do 22 Suryanamaskaras and then move to Anulom-Vilom, by that point I would be sweating. If I don’t close my nostrils right, because of the sweat, I can observe fizzy sounds. Very much like checking a tyre puncture with soap water. I am imagining a future where there will be non-invasive nano devices which can collect the data of air going in a nostril at a specific time. These devices connected to our phone will tell if our anulom-vilom activity went well or we need to improve.

You might be thinking, why am I so particular about this breathing task, we need to understand how this activity helps, we slow down the breathing which is supposed to relax the body and help fight stress better. We have heard it multiple times, take a deep breath. It’s about slow inhaling and exhaling. There is a company which claims you cannot exhale slowly by yourself and their whistle (The Komuso Shift) will help do that optimally for 8–10s. This product is inspired from 17th century Japanese Komuso Monks and is priced at 85$. I haven’t tried it, but I feel it’s an over priced gimmick and you can chill out by exhaling slowly all by yourself.

So the bottom line is to breathe-in slowly and breathe-out slowly. Can we have non-invasive devices that can grab this information continuously ?

Elon Musk’s startup Neuralink is doing some really exciting stuff , putting small devices in your head so that you can solve problems related to brain and spine. To be able to communicate with an other person without opening our mouth, typing with your fingers on a device, just through brain signals. It might all sound futuristic and impossible, but check this playlist by neuralink, your mind will be blown!

After checking Neuralink, the first device I mentioned about tracking breathing in each nostril sounds like a piece of cake ? Now read about this more ambitious device!

In one of the previous articles “Exploring Yoga Sutras : In “tense” Sleep”, I talk about our mind staying in past, present or future. Staying too much in past of future could lead to anxiety/depression. How about having an implantable device that can track the current state (past,present,future) of the conscious mind ? A suggestive brain implant will be very helpful for leading a mindful life.

