Sampling & it’s techniques :

Pramod Kumar
Jan 30, 2023


Sample is the subset of entire population like India has 1.4 billion people and if we take x% of this population that will be called sample.


Sampling is the technique of sample data from the population. There are multiple ways of sampling.

Random Sampling :

In this sampling technique we randomly select data points from the population.

Stratified Random Sampling

  • Divide the population into multiple homogeneous groups.
  • Randomly select the data points from each group.

Cluster Sampling

  • Divide the entire population into clusters.
  • Randomly selects the clusters.
  • Select all the data points from the randomly selected clusters as sample data.

Multi stage Sampling

  • Divide the population into clusters.
  • Randomly select clusters.
  • Randomly select samples from the randomly selected clusters.

Next :

Python implementation of Sampling techniques.

