Introducing Luxor Mining

Nick Hansen
3 min readOct 5, 2017


Luxor Mining

(Edit: if you’re already sold, jump to the bottom to Get Started)

(Edit 2: We’ve already made our first Nebulous kickback here!)

(Edit 3: For a limited time, we’ve reduced our fee to %0.3 We will donate 100% of that back to the Sia development team)

We believe in Siacoin. So much so, that we tackled it’s biggest hurdle: centralization. As of this writing, over 58% of the Sia hashrate is owned by a single pool. For Sia to flourish, some new players need to enter.

Bitcoin’s Hashrate Distribution

Luxor Technologies is launching an innovative new way to mine Siacoin which lets miners organically grow the Siacoin ecosystem. We’ve partnered with Nebulous Labs (the core Sia devs) to ensure that their continued success is tied directly with Luxor’s mining operations.

Our Proposal

The prolific cryptocurrencies all have one thing in common: competition. Here’s our pitch:

Giving Back

By mining with Luxor, you are directly supporting the Siacoin ecosystem. We have agreed to a partnership with Nebulous Labs to donate 10% of our profit directly back to the developers.

The Big Boys

We know some of you have built a living out of mining cryptocurrency. Large mining operations will be glad to know we have tiered pricing. Our top 10% of miners by share will enjoy a decreased fee. The total fee will be decreased by 0.5%.

Our Features

  • Full Stratum — Save your network bandwidth, you only need to check in with the pool a few times a minute.
  • Longpoll — The lowest stale rate possible. We notify all miners as quickly as possible when a block is found so they never spend wasted time. In our beta testing, we consistently see miners with 100% efficiency.
  • Vardiff — Your miners will operate at maximum efficiency thanks to the effort put in by Luxor developers to implement Variable Difficulty. As your miners work, our pool will change the difficulty dynamically for optimal efficiency.
  • Multi-Region Support — We know that latency makes a big difference in mining efficiency. We’ve placed mining pools in 4 regions around the world to make sure that you are never too far away.

Getting Started

It’s simple. Grab your miner and run one of the commands:

./marlin -H -u YourSiacoinAddress.YourWorkerName -I 28./ccminer -a sia -e — url=stratum+tcp:// -u YourSiacoinAddress.YourWorkerName -i 28./sgminer — algorithm=sia — url=stratum+tcp:// — userpass=YourSiacoinAddress.YourWorkerName -I 28./gominer -url stratum+tcp:// -user YourSiacoinAddress.YourWorkerName


We fully support Claymore mining. Just use port 7777 instead of 3333


We’re a global operation, so pick your location

US East:
US West:

Thanks for being a Luxor supporter!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ping me anytime.

Interested in how we do it? Here’s an in-depth post on the technology behind Luxor mining

