Powerbanks for Mobile Phones by Adcom India

Nitu Mudai
3 min readFeb 11, 2019


We present you our restrictive scope of powerbanks from our gallery. What do you seek in a powerbank for mobile, when you are getting one? We give you a profound understanding of our two most stunning powerbanks, made in India.

Give us a chance to take you for a voyage through these two powerbanks for mobile:

  1. Adcom 10000 mAH Lithium-ion Powerbank with 3 USB port

A Funky plan, in a little bundle, putting away a great deal of intensity. Adcom 10000 mAH powerbank highlights a proficient high limit battery at an appealing cost. With 3 accessible USB ports and Overcharge, Over Discharge and Shot Circuit insurance, this powerbank is an esteem creator in the market.

A quite high power stockpiling gadget, Adcom 10000 mAH powerbank, has 3 USB ports evaluated at various velocities.

Look and Feel:

The Adcom 10000mAh Power Bank really looks entirely cool. The White shading plan and the shape give it a propelled, present day look.

The three USB ports are situated toward the finish of the unit while the miniaturized scale USB input, LED battery markers and power catch are on the long edge.

Also, the power catch acts savvy. Holding the conservative for a really long time will result in the power bank turning off.


The Adcom 10000mAh Power Bank accompanies 1 Micro USB charger link and a client manual. Charging should be possible by means of any AC/DC control source.


The state of the compact charger looks sufficiently affordable, mulling over the mAh, it’s positively a sensible size and would effectively fit in a medium estimated travel pack or tote.

2. Adcom 20000 mAH lithium-particle Powerbank with 2 USB port

The Adcom 20000 mAh Power Bank may very well be the charger for you. With double USB inputs, a strong, slick plan and an astounding battery limit, it’s a wonder

The Adcom 20000mAh Power Bank tried wonderfully and gave about 90% proficiency of its battery limit.

Look and Feel

Accompanies a LCD Display for Accurate Display of Power Usage, The Adcom 20000mAh Power Bank truly looks totally cool. The Black Color shade and the shape give it a pushed, current look.

The two USB ports are arranged toward the completion of the unit while the scaled down scale USB input, LED pointers and power switch are on the long edge. A splendid LCD show tracks your charge tally.

Additionally, the power catch acts splendid. Holding the customary for a truly lengthy timespan will result in the power bank killing.


The Adcom 20000 mAh Power Bank goes with 1 Micro USB charger interface and a customer manual. Charging is conceivable by methods for any AC/DC control source. This powerbank is condition neighborly.


The condition of the Powerbanks looks adequately reasonable, thinking about the mAh, it’s most likely a reasonable size and would successfully fit in a medium evaluated travel sack or tote and is anything but difficult to convey.

We give these two astonishing powerbanks at much reasonable costs. These imaginative power stockpiles has developed a notoriety in the Indian market. Buy powerbanks online to get numerous offers and limits.

