Decisions, Decisions … Decided: Navigating College Selection (Beyond Rankings)

Nivedita Kalla
6 min readDec 27, 2023


In the intricate tapestry of higher education, selecting a college is a decision that resonates deeply, especially for Indian students. Investing in a U.S. education is undeniably a significant financial commitment, but it comes with a promise of unparalleled freedom and exploration — a promise that transcends the traditional constraints often encountered in the Indian educational landscape.

For many Indian students, the prospect of studying in the United States is more than an academic pursuit; it’s an odyssey into a realm where self-discovery, innovation, and a rich tapestry of experiences await. While the allure of Ivy League institutions often takes center stage, it’s crucial to debunk the myth that success in the U.S. hinges solely on the prestige of one’s alma mater. The American dream is a mosaic painted by students from various colleges, illustrating that success is not confined to a select few, but rather a journey open to those willing to seize the opportunities that lie beyond the ivy-covered walls.

Photo by Luke Stackpoole on Unsplash

Internships: Bridging Classroom Learning and Real-World Application

Internships serve as a bridge between theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom and its practical application in the professional realm. They offer a glimpse into the day-to-day operations of industries, providing invaluable insights and hands-on experience. Whether it’s a summer internship at a tech giant or a part-time position at a local business, these experiences contribute significantly to your skill set and marketability.

Aparna’s Story: From Classroom to Corporate Success

Aparna, a computer science major from Hyderabad, landed an internship with a Silicon Valley startup during her junior year. The exposure to real-world projects not only deepened her technical skills but also exposed her to the collaborative and dynamic nature of the tech industry. The connections she made during the internship opened doors to job opportunities upon graduation.

Projects: Bringing Ideas to Life

Engaging in projects, whether as part of coursework or personal initiatives, allows you to apply your creativity and problem-solving skills to real challenges. Projects showcase your ability to conceptualize and execute ideas, demonstrating to potential employers that you can translate theoretical knowledge into tangible outcomes.

Rahul’s Journey: A Project-driven Path to Success

Rahul, an engineering student from New Delhi, initiated a community-based renewable energy project during his senior year. The project not only garnered attention from local media but also attracted the interest of renewable energy companies. Rahul’s hands-on experience and project management skills became the focal point of his job interviews, ultimately leading to a rewarding career in sustainable energy.

Research: Exploring the Frontiers of Knowledge

Engaging in research, whether through faculty-led projects or independent exploration, exposes you to the cutting edge of your field. Research experiences not only deepen your understanding but also develop critical thinking and analytical skills. This can be particularly advantageous if you’re considering postgraduate studies or careers in research-intensive industries.

Sneha’s Exploration: From Research to Entrepreneurship

Sneha, a biology major from Mumbai, collaborated with a professor on a genetics research project. The findings not only contributed to academic publications but also inspired Sneha to co-found a biotech startup after graduation. The research experience not only enriched her academic journey but also served as the foundation for her entrepreneurial endeavors.

Being a Big Fish in a Small Pond: The Power of Confidence

While the allure of prestigious institutions is undeniable, there’s something empowering about being a big fish in a small pond. In a smaller academic community, students often find themselves in leadership roles, taking on responsibilities that might be reserved for upperclassmen at larger institutions. This can foster a sense of confidence, allowing students to excel academically and emerge as leaders.

Karthik’s Empowerment: Leading in a Smaller Pond

Karthik, a business administration student from Chennai, chose a smaller liberal arts college over larger universities. Here, he quickly became involved in student government and took on leadership roles in various clubs. The smaller class sizes allowed him to form close relationships with professors, who became mentors throughout his academic journey. Karthik’s leadership experiences and personalized interactions played a crucial role in securing internships that then converted into job offers.

Colleges as Catalysts — Unleashing Opportunities Beyond Academics

Beyond academics, colleges themselves act as dynamic hubs of opportunities that extend far beyond the classroom. Let’s explore how colleges serve as conduits of opportunities.

1. Career Services: Navigating the Pathways to Success

Colleges, irrespective of their size or ranking, often provide robust career services that act as bridges between your academic endeavors and the professional world. These services offer guidance on resume building, interview preparation, and connecting with potential employers through job fairs and networking events.

Anjali’s Success Story: A Career Services Triumph

Anjali, an economics major from Delhi, utilized her college’s career services extensively. From resume workshops to mock interviews, she honed her professional skills. The career services team also connected her with alumni mentors in her field, ultimately leading to a coveted internship and later a full-time position at a prominent financial institution.

2. Alumni Networks: Tapping into a Wealth of Experience

Colleges cultivate extensive alumni networks that can serve as invaluable resources for mentorship, internships, and job opportunities. Alumni often take an active interest in the success of current students, providing insights, advice, and sometimes even opening doors to career possibilities.

Rajiv’s Networking Triumph: Leveraging Alumni Connections

Rajiv, a computer engineering student from Mumbai, tapped into his college’s alumni network when seeking internships. A conversation with an alumnus working at a leading tech company not only provided valuable insights into the industry but also led to a referral that secured Rajiv an internship, setting the stage for his future career.

3. Extracurricular Activities: Beyond the Classroom Walls

Participating in extracurricular activities, whether it’s joining a club, participating in community service, or engaging in sports, can contribute significantly to your personal and professional development. Colleges offer a diverse range of clubs and organizations that cater to varied interests, providing platforms to develop leadership, teamwork, and communication skills.

Neha’s Leadership Journey: Clubs and Confidence

Neha, a marketing major from Bangalore, took an active role in the college’s marketing club. Her involvement not only enhanced her understanding of her field but also provided leadership opportunities. Through organizing events and collaborating with industry professionals, Neha developed the confidence and skills that set her apart in job interviews.

4. Research Centers and Innovation Hubs: Nurturing Creativity and Discovery

Many colleges house research centers and innovation hubs that foster an environment of creativity and discovery. Engaging with these centers can expose you to cutting-edge research, hands-on projects, and collaboration with industry experts, enhancing your academic and professional profile.

Amit’s Innovation Voyage: From Lab to Startup

Amit, a physics major with a passion for technology, collaborated with a research center at his college. The experience not only deepened his understanding of his field but also inspired him to co-found a tech startup with fellow students. The college’s support for innovation and entrepreneurship played a crucial role in turning their ideas into a viable business.

In Conclusion: Maximizing Your College Experience

Your college experience is a mosaic of academic learning, extracurricular engagement, and meaningful connections. View your college as a dynamic ecosystem that can catalyze your personal and professional growth. For anyone who can dream the American University dream there …

For anyone who can dream the American University dream, there lies a realm of possibilities where passion meets purpose, and curiosity sparks innovation.

Note: None of the students mentioned above attended an Ivy League school! They all pursued their education at US R1 universities & liberal arts colleges, within STEM majors. What they had in common, was the ability to maximise what they can extract from the opportunities they came across.



Nivedita Kalla

I coach international students in their global education aspirations. I also moonlight as an education data analyst and an aspiring yogini.