Fenix Moore
1 min readAug 30, 2016


I strongly believe that Ali’s response at the time of the event and the judge’s initial decision were both well-handled and respectful. Ali apologized sincerely, accepted his punishment, and he and the tournament staff were ready to learn from and move past this frankly disgraceful act of harassment. But to insist on repeatedly slamming the victim card until you’ve gotten your way (which I assume would be to have Ali receive a 3-year ban) is immature and serves no purpose than to turn this awful event into a massive PR stunt that is going to result in the general community having a lesser view of trans players because you’ve set the precedent for this. How you handled this situation was more important than your personal feelings, and I hope you understand how this will negatively ripple through the community. As a genderfluid player, I now feel like I’ll be going to tournaments with a stigma towards me because of how you behaved.

