The Journal App Making Journal: Day 28

Flashchat app, and other journals on Medium, esp The Growth Project Journal

Nicole Liu
2 min readJul 28, 2020

What have I learned about app development today?

Totally exciting day, starting a new module on Angela’s iOS App Development course.

Going to make a Flashchat app, where we are going to learn about the third party library, Firebase, for creating user accounts… can not wait.

It is a long module though. Planning to spend the next 7-10 days at it.

What have I learned about journaling technologies today?

Exactly 4 weeks ago, I started journaling on Medium to keep myself accountable and sharing the journey of becoming a tech founder of my own business.

Since using the #journaling, I have noticed there are 5.2K stories under the same tag. Been feeling curious about those stories. In the next few posts, let’s find out about the people who also use Medium as a journaling technology for their journeys.

The person whose journal I am reading today is Steph Rempe. She has a day by day Growth Project journal, where she is up to Day 25. So pretty much we started at the same time! What a coincidence.

She is an Engineer, Computer Scientist, Artist, Musician, Athlete, and Entrepreneur.

Her Growth Project, is “a year long experiment to develop myself in 10 different areas to the fullest potential”. Totally my kind of woman.

The Medium AI recommender has done a good job.

And via her Medium journal, she shares the journey of growing herself by practicing – 10 – skills everyday. I can very much relate to that desire speaking as a Udemy addict.

Her 10 skills include the following. Our love for learning and areas of interest match almost exactly, apart from her interests in Music and Graphic Design, where for me they are Dance and UX Design.

  1. Mindfulness
  2. Health and Fitness
  3. Entrepreneurship
  4. Computer Science/ Software Engineering
  5. Digital Art and Graphic Design
  6. Music
  7. Reading
  8. Writing
  9. Social Enrichment
  10. Topic Exploration

She keeps her journal on a desktop app called, Journal for Mac, which is a companion technology for Noteworthy — The Official Journal Blog on Medium. Just downloaded the app, and can’t wait to check it out.

I love her planning and committing one year out. We are seemingly working on the same goal of creating our own businesses. How amazing. And I like seeing someone going for breadth, diversity, and a balance, at a time when there is a great deal of advocacy for singular focus and specialisation.

Where else to find innovation but in a diverse exposure? And how else to sustain the long term but with a balance? I appreciate this more than the kind of isolating focus that burns out and sacrifices other important areas of life.

From day to day though, different things may weigh differently. Be interesting to see whether all 10 things every day can work out.

Steph and I may well be on our Medium journaling journey together for the next 340 days or so. What an incredible way to meet, Steph Rempe. Following your project with interest and all the best!



Nicole Liu

Dance . Learning . Technology . Design . Entrepreneurship