I am Working on “a New Way of 3D Printing”!

Mehmet Nizam Saltan
3 min readNov 21, 2022


If you have litte interest about 3D printers you might know that printer starts printing at bottom of model to top (what it’s supposed to for pyhsics laws), and also they use something called ‘G-code’ to handle logic. But what is G-code?

G-code (also RS-274) is the most widely used computer numerical control (CNC) programming language. It is used mainly in computer-aided manufacturing to control automated machine tools, and has many variants (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G-code)

So what about ‘My Way of Printing’?

To understand it first we need to look ‘3 Dimensional Computer Graphics’ but don’t worry I am not going to explain whole concept of 3D graphics, just triangles

In computer graphics, a triangle mesh is a type of polygon mesh. It comprises a set of triangles (typically in three dimensions) that are connected by their common edges or vertices. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triangle_mesh)

Finaly We are Here

Instead of telling machine to where to go we could just give data of 3D mesh and machine it self could get 3 dimensional triangel data. With that data it could use robotic arms to print target object. By doing that, not just we could use more than one arm for print (which reduces printing time drastically) and also we can not just control the position of arms, but also rotation too, by doing that we are no longer need to add support meshes to product, arm could print at multiple angles.


  1. We could use Multiple arms to lower printing speed
  2. We can print at multiple angles so that means no need for support meshes
  3. Method also supports wire printing
  4. No need for G-code because machine decides it self
  5. No size problem, its just an arm and plate
  6. We could integrate machine learning technology to achieve maximum efficiency
  7. Thats it! what else could you expect from a 3D printer


This is just an idea of college student. Even if it won’t happen, I just would like to think and work on this topic and see my mistakes. Last but not least, so many things might be change on the way. To make this process clearer, we could discuss in the comment section (or if you prefer directly via e-mail nizamsaltan@protonmail.com). I’d be happy to answer and get new ideas. Tschüss!

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Mehmet Nizam Saltan

Hi! I am prep student who have passion about programming, especially in 3D