fitness by Hamza Butt Licensed under CC BY 2.0

Stop Doing What You’re Doing and Try This

Intermittent fasting is the most efficient way to achieve a wholesome feeling fitness


Loads and loads of people continue to carry on through life feeling like they can never achieve their fitness goals. The scary fact of the matter is that, ignoring your personal health is downright dangerous and irresponsible.

Now I am not going to point my finger at you and scold you like a naughty puppy, but think about this for a moment — why would you not want to keep reading on about the easiest and most effective way to cut excess fat, achieve your dream physique, and be the healthiest you have ever been? This is a no-brainer if you ask me, and utilizing intermittent fasting in your daily life will help you access and get more out of life, because you will feel like nothing is holding you back anymore.


I truly have an extensive background and experience within the fitness industry and I have personal experience in utilizing intermittent fasting for myself.

I have been passionate about fitness for my whole lifetime, and within this blog article I am going to compile some scholarly research in a very manageable, and understandable way that proves the benefits of intermittent fasting. Read this and then implement it, because after you finish this article you will realize intermittent fasting has been the trick that you have been missing out on all this time.

Jump on the train!!!

Compiled Research & Evidence for Intermittent Fasting

There is a non-evidence backed rumor going around that intermittent fasting is an unhealthy way to lose fat and get in shape. This is completely false, and there is actually evidence that suggests that fasting is good for the body and it will actually shift your energy metabolism so that you start burning fats. Mark Mattson a Neuroscience Professor at John Hopkins University did a Tedx Talk on this matter. My personal experience with intermittent fasting has led me to agree with Mark Mattson, I have reduced overall body fat on my body, and I feel extremely healthy!

Are you ready to try IF?

In a study on the impact of intermittent fasting on health, it was found that there was always fat reduction, slower heart rates, and lower blood pressures in the trial patients who engaged in intermittent fasting. My experiences with intermittent fasting have led me to concur with the results of the study. Since I began experimenting with intermittent fasting myself, I made a trip to my doctors for a routine check-up and they found a significant reduction of fat on my body. I weighed in at about 207 pounds and my most recent trip I weighed about 195 pounds. I lost 12 pounds of pure body fat, beyond that my blood pressure was lower and my heart rate was a healthy 60 bpm.

All from intermittent fasting!

Are you sold on this yet?

All and all, this is just the surface level of the research done on intermittent fasting all of the physical, mental, and psychological benefits it produces. I just wanted to get your toes wet and prove to you that restricting the amount of food you eat through intermittent fasting will get you fast and easy results, it is clinically and scientifically proven. The best part is that keeping the weight off and staying healthy year-round is easy as well. Intermittent fasting is economical and maintainable year-round.


It is really easy to get the most out of life, it is imperative to get fit and healthy in order to get the most out of life and be able to go the extra mile when the time comes.

We can fail-proof our chances of reaching our goals as well as ensure success in achieving a wholesome fitness by utilizing intermittent fasting.

Try this and revolutionize your life. Contact me if you have any more questions regarding intermittent fasting.

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Also check-out my company website if you want to get on a exercise and fitness plan.

Go get it!



Cox Twins Fitness

Twin brothers with communication and healthy lifestyles coaching backgrounds, devoted to sharing all health-related knowledge. Studying to be personal trainers.